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"Why?" said Mazer. "What do they normally feed you?"

Bingwen mimed the ingredients as he described them. "Scoop a shovelful of dirt into a blender. Add sugar and water. Toss in some spinach leaves and a teaspoon of bile. Blend to a nice disgusting paste."

"It can't be that bad."

"It is. Sometimes when they cut our rations, I almost don't mind."

"Your rations? I didn't know the food situation was that bad. Now I feel guilty for eating this."

"You shouldn't. You're guests of China. You're commanding armies. You need your strength. We're rice farmers. We've been half starved since we were born."

"Was it really that bad in your village?"

Bingwen shrugged. "Sometimes. Not usually. We'd get fruit and meat every once in a while. The best is when one of the water buffalos got too old. Then we'd feast like kings. Have you ever had a buffalo burger?"

"I've had buffalo wings," said Mazer. "But those aren't the same thing."

"Buffalos don't have wings," said Bingwen.

"It's what we call tiny, spicy chicken wings."

"Then why don't you call them chicken wings?"

"Don't let logic spoil all the fun in life," said Mazer. He stabbed some of his beef and ate it. "I'm curious. What do you think of the proposal from the team on Luna?"

"What do I think of you climbing inside an iron coffin and floating through space like a sitting duck? I think you're several kilos short of a bushel."

"You wouldn't do it? If you were a soldier, I mean."

"I'd do it in a heartbeat," said Bingwen. "I'd be the first one to climb inside. I want to blow that ship to a billion little pieces. That doesn't make the op any less crazy."

Mazer nodded, as if that was answer enough. After a moment, he said, "I've talked to Shenzu about you, about where you came from, about what you and I have been through. I told him what you did for me. How you saved me life. He was very impressed."

"I'm a very impressive young man. That's why I got two desserts. I've earned them."

"I'm serious, Bing. I told Shenzu that they should give you special attention."

"I like keeping a low profile," said Bingwen.

"Too late for that. Shenzu looked you up in the government database."

"I'm in a database?"

"Of kids who have taken the placement exams."

"I haven't taken the exam yet. I'm not old enough. I've only taken practice tests."

"They keep a record of those as well. Shenzu says you did exceptionally well on all of them."

Bingwen shrugged. "I'm good at taking tests."

"You're good at a lot of things. Shenzu has recommended that you be sent to a special school."

Bingwen stopped chewing. "A school? Where?"

"Somewhere in northern China. I don't know where exactly. Shenzu didn't reveal much. I got the sense that it's somewhat secretive. All I know is that it's a military school for a small, select group of children. Gifted children. They would provide you with everyt

hing. Room, board. You would never go hungry again."

Tags: Orson Scott Card The First Formic War Science Fiction