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"No, sir."

"Every active serviceman like yourself will have the option of finishing his years of committed military service with the International Fleet or enlisting with the IF for a new term of service. Our hope is that this announcement will inspire millions of new soldiers to join our cause. The key word here is inspire.

"The Mobile Operations Police will be used as the model for the International Fleet. We'll call MOPs a microcosm of what we hope to achieve on a global scale. If the victory today is reported as a MOPs victory, therefore, we will give Earth clear evidence that an international military is not only possible, but also has already achieved great victories. With less than a dozen MOPs, we brought the Formic army to its knees. Imagine the global security we can provide with a whole army of likeminded soldiers."

Mazer nodded. "So you'll make heroes of Captain O'Toole and the other casualties, and bill this as a MOPs operation in order to build support for and acceptance of the fleet."

"It's propaganda. We recognize that. But it's necessary. This mission must be a MOPs mission. Lem Jukes served his purpose and will be given credit for such, but the soldiers were MOPs."

"Except for me and Shenzu."

"You two break the myth. Shenzu is an asset since he already helped facilitate an alliance between India and China. He embodies the International Fleet, in that sense. Plus the Chinese adore him. When he enlists, millions will do the same."

"Then there's me," said Mazer. "The unknown outsider, the soldier to whom Captain O'Toole gave command. If people know I was involved or led any aspect of this op, suddenly this isn't a MOPs mission since I'm not technically a MOP."

"You see our dilemma."

"It's easily solved, sir. I'll never reveal my involvement in the operation. Mazer Rackham was never here. I don't play the game you'd want me to play anyway. I don't smile for cameras and speak to audiences. There are others far better suited to that."

"I see you are exactly the soldier Captain O'Toole said you are."

"I am the soldier I am largely because of him, sir."

Robinov seemed to relax. "Can I assume then that you will enlist in the International Fleet, Captain?"

"If the paperwork is ready, sir, I'll fill it out right now."


Victor was sitting up in bed in a clinic on Luna with his arm and shoulder in an inflatable cast. Several news feeds on the wall-screen showed the live celebrations all over the world. China, the Americas, Europe, Africa. Parades, fireworks, raining confetti, people waving tiny flags to the camera.

"Looks like we're missing the party."

Victor turned. Lem stood at the doorway. "The war's over," said Victor. "That's cause to celebrate."

Lem came and stood by the bed. "Doctor says your surgery went well. Both breaks were clean and easily repaired. You'll make a full recovery." He gestured at the room. "This is a company clinic, so you obviously won't be charged for your care. Anything you want, just say the word, and the nurses will get it. Swiss chocolate. French pastries. Bavarian goat cheese. Go crazy."

"How long do I have to stay here?"

"That's up to you. The doctor is willing to discharge you this evening. Do you have a place to stay?"

"Not exactly."

"We'll put you in one of the company suites. You can stay there for a couple of weeks until you get your own place."

"Thanks, but I don't intend to stay on Luna."

"You haven't even heard my job offer yet. You'd be working directly with Benyawe and her team dismantling and analyzing Formic tech. She told me if I left the clinic without signing you, I was in big trouble."

"I appreciate the offer, but my priority now is to help my family."

"Doing what? Salvage work? You'll help them far more by working for me, Victor. I'd pay you very well. You could transfer what you earn directly to them."

"My family is getting out of the salvage trade. They want to retrofit their ship with mining equipment. Money can't do that. I can."

"Money can do anything, Vico, if there's enough of it."

"What about Imala?"

Tags: Orson Scott Card The First Formic War Science Fiction