Page 129 of Empire (Empire 1)

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She rose slowly to her feet, crying a little, and saluted them back.

There weren’t any cameras in the room. So the picture the world saw was the eight of them, still dressed for combat, lined up behind President Nielson and Vice President Torrent at the press conference.

When it was thrown open for questions, Cole tried to get Babe, who was, after all, a public relations professional, to serve as spokesman. But Babe refused. “I didn’t go inside, man,” he said.

So Cole and Cat stood at the podium, with the President and Vice President looking on. The questions were what you’d expect. Sure, they were heroes. But the press was still the press.

“How many Americans did you kill on this mission?”

“As many as necessary to protect myself and my men, and to accomplish our mission,” said Cole. “And not one more.”

“Why did you obey an order to enter a state that had closed its borders to military operations?”

“With all due respect, sir,” said Cat, “all our operations took place inside the United States of America, under orders from the President of the United States. We did not cross any international boundaries.”

“Weren’t you afraid that your attack would lead to more bloodshed within the United States?”

Cole took that one, forcing himself to stay completely calm. “I was in New York City when this rebellion began. I saw the dead bodies of policemen and firemen and one uniformed doorman on the streets of that city, before I fired a single shot in this war. I believe our actions today put an end to the bloodshed that the rebels started.”

“Do you feel you have avenged the deaths of the President and Vice President on Friday the Thirteenth?”

“We’re not in the vengeance business,” said Cat. “We’re in the business of defeating those who wage war against America.”

Cole added, “We know these people were behind the attack on New York, because that secret factory in Washington State was where the weapons they used were manufactured. But whether they had anything to do with the prior assassinations remains to be seen.” Cole could see the President’s staff visibly relax. They didn’t want anything that could be used by Verus’s lawyers to claim he had already been tried in the media.

“Some reports say that you shot Aldo Verus after he was arrested.”

Cole smiled at the reporter. “After I told Mr. Verus that he was under arrest, he attempted to flee. We overtook him. He then drew a weapon. I did not shoot when he pointed it at me. I shot Mr. Verus in the hand only when he pointed the pistol at his own head. I wanted him alive for his treason trial. Since I was fifteen feet away, a bullet to the hand was the only way I could prevent him from taking irrevocable action.”

Cat added, “We didn’t believe we had time to negotiate the surrender of his handgun.”

A lot of people laughed. A lot of them were reporters.

After the press conference, Cecily came up to Cole. “I can’t get over the questions they asked you. Like you were criminals.”

“It was a game,” said Cole. “Didn’t you notice? The guy who asked me about shooting Verus after he was arrested—he was from Fox. He was setting me up for the answer I gave. Bet you that’ll be

the sound bite that runs everywhere tonight on the evening news.”

“And not a headline saying, ‘Soldier accuses Verus of assassinations.’ Okay, I see.” She took his hand in both of hers. “Cole, have you called your mother yet?”

“No, ma’am,” said Cole.

“So she’s going to learn about all this by watching the news?”

“Probably not,” said Cole. “She doesn’t watch the news.”

“So you can still call her.”

He nodded.

“You can use my phone.” She led him out of the room.

Her office—which she shared with four other staffers—was empty. She led him to the desk and he sat down to make the call.

“Before you dial,” she said. “And before I leave you alone to talk to her, I just want to ask you. Will you come see me—soon? There’s something I want to talk to you about.”

“What is it?” She looked worried. What could be wrong now? They had the rebel arsenal. They had New York City back.

Tags: Orson Scott Card Empire Science Fiction