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“God, I want you so bad,” I lean and whisper in her ear. Her hand slowly moves up my leg until she has my crotch in her palm. I sit up and try to concentrate on the wine that’s being poured for us as Courtney smiles and nods like she’s paying attention to more grape facts. My dick is aching for her and if she doesn’t stop, we might have to leave here and rent a hotel instead. She rubs her hand along the hardness of my shaft, and I’m thankful when Jessica, our wine guru, brings our check.

I’m afraid to stand, but I adjust myself the best I can before we walk out. She looks over her shoulder at me and flashes an evil grin as we walk to the car.

Before I open the car door for her, I lean against her body, allowing her to feel exactly what she’s done to me and kiss the fuck out of her.

“You’re such a goddamn tease,” I say against her mouth.

“I’m only a tease if I don’t intend to please. And Deputy—I intend to.” She gasps as I grab her ass in my hand and squeeze.

Once inside the car, I sit there, trying to ignore the fact that everything about Courtney is consuming my mind right now, and it feels as if I can never get enough of her.

“Once we’re at my parents, I’ll make sure to make it up to you.” She winks.

“Then we’re going right now,” I tease.

“But what about the peaches?” She pretends to pout.

“The only thing I want to be tasting right now is you.”

She licks her lips and swallows hard but doesn’t deny it. I know she’s just as turned on as I am. The next few hours are going to be all about tempting and teasing, and I’m certain I won’t make it.


Drew’s hazel eyes look greener today and his lips on my body are the only thing I can think about as we drive toward my parents’. Every time I glance over at him, I ask myself if it’s truly possible to love someone this much. It has to be. I’m so madly addicted to him and there’s no turning back now. I’m too far in. Drew has shown me what love is in its purest form, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. We go together like blueberries and muffin batter—or as Drew would say, tofu and broccoli.

I give him directions to the ranch once we get closer. Gravel kicks up when he turns down the road that leads to the ranch. Once the big white house comes into view, he slows. There aren’t handfuls of cars sitting outside like last time, and I’m relieved me being here isn’t a family get-together—at least not yet. After he parks the car, he takes my hand in his and presses his lips against my skin.

“Now, you know my parents are extremely traditional. So, if they talk about anything crazy, it’s their way of giving their opinion of us moving in together,” I tell him.

“But we already live together,” he reminds me.

“I know, but as roommates, which is like a stupid loophole that makes it seem like we’re not really living together like a couple, so it made it okay. I’m sure Jackson confirmed that I had a room in the house, too. I have a feeling Mama asked him. She’s nosey like that and always finds ways to get info out of people without actually asking.”

“Mama Rose would never…” he teases.

“Oh, she would. She’s a snake in the grass sometimes. Gotta watch her.”

A knock on the window pulls me out of our conversation, and I look over to see John standing there with a big smile on his face.

“I really don’t know how you tell them apart,” Drew says and all I can do is laugh because it’s obvious to me. Just the way they carry themselves is different. Jackson has a pep to his step and John just stands confidently without waving it around for everyone to see.

I get out of the car and give my brother a big hug.

“I was forced to help you bring your bags inside.” He looks over his shoulder. “Mom’s in a mood.”

“Shit,” I whisper. I turn and look at Drew. “Be on your best behavior.”

“I always am.” A sneaky smile creeps across his face.

Drew pops the trunk and John takes my suitcase from the back along with the present we picked out for Benita and the babies. It’s wrapped in yellow paper to keep it gender neutral because she’s decided to not reveal them until at the shower. I’ve begged her to tell me, but she swore she didn’t even know. It was fun watching Drew help pick out the clothes and diapers. I can already tell he’s going to be such a good dad, but I knew that after seeing him with Ginny and James for the first time. He’s a natural.

Tags: Kennedy Fox The Checkmate Duet Erotic