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“I’m pregnant.”

At first, he doesn’t stop talking, and I think he doesn’t hear me, so I repeat myself.

“I’m pregnant, Drew.”

His mouth drops open, and he sits there and stares at me like I slapped him across the face. I’m thankful there’s no one else in the restaurant.

“You’re going to be an uncle.”

The fact that he’s not saying anything is stressing me out. I know it’s a lot to take in, so I sit there and wait for him to speak. Time slips through my fingers, and I cover my face with my hands because I feel the tears welling on the brims of my eyes. Gently he pulls my hands away so he can search my face.

“I’m going to be an uncle?” He sounds and looks shocked.

I nod.

“Who is the…”

“Oh, my God, Drew. Who do you think? I don’t sleep around.”

His eyes widen as he connects the dots, and I want to know what he’s thinking. We sit there, staring at each other, and I wish Courtney would just walk in and say something that makes me laugh. My heart is beating so fast I can feel the pulse rock through my body.

Drew finally gives me a smile, and it allows me to relax just a bit. “Does Travis know?”

I shake my head. “Not yet, but I’m going to tell him as soon as possible.”

“Yeah, he needs to know he’s going to be a dad.”

I swallow hard. “Remember that favor you owe me?”

“How could I forget?” Drew says.

“Can you help me tell Mom and Dad?”



As I’m leaving the house to head to the office, I see a package from FedEx sitting against the door. Confused, I pick it up and realize it’s the surprise birthday gift I mailed to Boston for Viola. Since her birthday is only a few days away, I thought I’d send her something nice—a pair of diamond earrings to match the heart necklace I gave her when we were kids. It really fucking hurts my heart to see the box sitting at my feet.

I pick it up and walk back inside as I send her a text.

T: Refusing my packages now?

Her text bubble instantly pops up.

V: Huh?

T: I mailed you a package for your birthday and it’s been returned.

She doesn’t reply as quickly, but once she finally does, I’m floored.

V: It’s because I’m back home.

I read the text again, and it confuses me. What the hell? She wasn’t coming home until closer to Christmas last I heard.

T: What? You’re here right now? You’re early.

I wish she would’ve told me as soon as she landed, and I know I’m probably not at the top of her list, but fuck, I’ll fight my way back to the top. Still, for some reason, I thought I’d be the first to know.

V: Yeah, I’m here permanently. Can we talk soon?


T: You tell me the time and place, and I’ll be there, princess.

I pick up the FedEx package and set it on the counter, wondering if it’s too early to start drinking. I hadn’t expected Viola to be home already, and now to hear she’s not going back is a sweet surprise. Honestly, I’m unsure of how I should feel right now. A part of me is thrilled to fucking death that Viola is here, but another part of me is anxious. What does this mean exactly? I wish it meant that we’d have another chance to be together, but that’s a dangerous game to be playing. On the other hand, just the thought of her being here puts a huge smile on my face. Every day since she left, I’ve wished she’d come back to Cali—come back to me—and now she has.

Drew wakes up and drags his ass into the kitchen and furrows his brows at the smile I’m wearing. I can’t help it.

“Did you win the lottery or something?” he asks.

“Viola is home! Did you know?”

He gives me a nervous smile, but I try to ignore it. “Yeah, she asked me not to say anything.”

I don’t even comment, because it was the same words I’d said to him whenever we talked about Viola and me. She had asked me not to say anything until she was ready, and I didn’t.

Drew takes the carton of milk out of the fridge and drinks it straight from the jug.

“Please tell me you don’t do that all the time,” I say, disapproving.

“Have been for about six years.” Drew chuckles and rubs his face. “I didn’t sleep very well last night.”

“Sorry, that sucks.” Work must be stressing him out again. He goes through these cycles where everything is great, then some days he’s so stressed, I know to stay out of his way.

“If you only knew.” He pauses. “Well, you might eventually,” he mutters under his breath, but I don’t give it a second thought. After he yawns, he heads back to his room. I brush off his weirdness and rip open the FedEx box to pull out the gift box wrapped in silver paper and take it with me to the office. I have my first interview with a prospective employee today, which makes me realize this is really happening. I’ve always heard that when a person finds a job they truly love, it will never feel like work. Each day I see my name on the sign, I understand that saying more. My name, my reputation, my money is all on the line, and the closer we get to opening, the more nervous I become, but I love the anticipation.

Tags: Kennedy Fox The Checkmate Duet Erotic