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V: It has not been years, and unless you’ve been soaking it in hot water for months, I doubt it’s pruney.

Surprisingly, she messages me back before I even roll out of bed.

C: Well, it sure feels like years. At this point, I’d be lucky to even remember how to do it.

I snort at her dramatics.

V: I don’t know…I bet it’s just like riding a bike. Your vagina’s instincts will kick in and you’ll be dry humping in no time.

C: No one says dry humping anymore, Lola. Plus, don’t tease me with that shit… you either put out or GTFO.

Burying my head into my pillow, I laugh, and it feels good.

V: I need to get ready for work. Buy yourself a dildo and get some practice in. Talk later!

Once I’m half-ready and out the door, I hail a cab and finish my makeup as we swerve around the traffic. Union International is right in the heart of the city, so there are a lot of places within walking distance for lunch or coffee, which is nice.

There are four other interns I work with, but only two of us work for Mr. O’Connor. His name is Liam, and he’s from Miami. He’s been super sweet and helpful as I’ve adjusted to everything around the firm.

“So, any big plans for your first official weekend here?” he asks as we step into the elevator.

“No, not really. Unless you consider FaceTiming my best friend and reading big plans?” I say with an easy laugh.

“Well if your big plans fall through, I’m meeting up with some friends for a drink downtown if you feel like joining. Here, I’ll give you my number.” He holds his hand out, waiting for my phone.

Instinctively, I unlock it and hand it over. I figure it can’t hurt to have a friend around here, especially if I’m going to be here for six months or longer.

“Awesome, thanks,” I say as he hands it back.

“I texted myself from your phone, so I have yours too, just in case.”

I nod, unsure of what to say. I don’t want to assume he’s hitting on me because I have no intentions of hooking up with anyone while I’m here, especially someone from the office. I’ve been thinking about Travis nonstop since I left. I feel guilty for leaving without saying goodbye, but I knew I had to. I knew if I saw him, I would run into his arms and never get on that plane regardless of how hurt I was. I couldn’t let a guy get in the way of my future, not after all the hard work I’ve put in and all the goals I’ve set for myself. Travis will always have my heart, but for now, I need to stay focused on me. If we have anything worth saving, it will be there in six months.

The weeks fly by, the hours blurring into days, the days into weeks. Liam becomes a good friend and introduces me to some of his local buddies. He shows me around the bars and best seafood restaurants. It feels like another world out here, but I’m soaking up everything this experience has to offer.

Travis texts me every few days. When I first arrived, we didn’t talk for two weeks, probably because he was hurt I left without saying anything. Then one night he sent me a picture of Gryff, with the caption We miss you. I cried the moment I saw his sweet little face. Before I could respond, he sent a second picture of the two of them lying in his bed, and Travis sticking his lower lip out in a sad pout. I about lost it. I missed him so damn much, but I knew I had to stay strong. This was good for me, and I had to remember that. Travis and I were in a complicated situation, and all I wanted was to get to a neutral place again where it stopped hurting.

So, now he sends me picture updates of how big Gryff is getting and he asks how things are here. We don’t say much other than that, which right now, is enough for us. I know we’ll have a lot to talk about when I visit for the holidays.

About halfway through my apprenticeship, I catch some kind of summer flu. It’s awful, but I work through it until I’m off on the weekend. It doesn’t ease up, so Liam surprises me with soup and crackers.

“You look pale, honey,” he says, placing a cold, wet washcloth on my forehead. “Are you hungry?”

I press a hand to the cloth and shake my head. “Not really. I just feel really queasy.”

“I’ll bring your trash can by you just in case.” I watch as he stands up and walks the few feet to my kitchen and grabs it. He’s tall and built. He has shaggy blonde hair, which totally adds to the surfer vibe he gives out when he’s not in his suit and tie attire. He overdresses for work and claims it’s going to help him climb the corporate ladder before he’s thirty.

Tags: Kennedy Fox The Checkmate Duet Erotic