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Courtney offers to drive me once she sees how badly my knees are shaking. I call Drew as we walk to the Jeep, to find out which hospital they were sent to.

“Placerville?” I gasp. “Why the hell did they transfer them up there?”

“Closest hospital to the scene of the accident,” he informs me. He’s already up there, in full cop mode, but they haven’t allowed him to see them yet.

“What was he doing up there?” And with her?

“I don’t know, Vi. You know everything I do.” I hear the concern in his voice and try to stay calm for both of our sakes.

“Okay, sorry. I’m just worried is all.”

Courtney gives me a look, knowing I’m full of shit. As we climb into the Jeep, she quietly suggests I just tell Drew and get it over with, but until there’s something to tell, I’m keeping my lips sealed. If he was hanging out with Mia and something happened between the two of them, there’d be no secret to keep. There’d be no us. But I have to try to give him the benefit of the doubt before jumping to conclusions, regardless of how easy that is.

I can’t deny how the thought of it makes my throat dry. I’m not naïve enough to think that sleeping with Travis changes things. It doesn’t change who he is or who I am. In fact, until I know what happened between us this past week meant something, and where we stand, it may be better to pretend it never happened. Even I know that’s easier said than done.

I’m losing myself in my thoughts when I hear Drew yelling my name through the phone. “Viola!”

“Sorry, I’m here.”

“You don’t have to come up here, you know? I can keep you updated on Mia.”

I roll my eyes. “What about Travis?”

“I figured you probably didn’t care.”

“Drew!” I scold. “I’m not a robot. Of course I care.”

“Well, most days you two are at each other’s throats.”

“That doesn’t mean I want him to be hurt…or worse.” I rest my head against the headrest of the Jeep and inhale, trying to focus on the white line on the side of the road. Maybe I should just tell him… “Listen, Drew. There’s something—”

“Oh hey, the doctor is coming out. I’ll call you right back.” He hangs up before I can respond.

“Well, that has to be a sign,” I mutter to myself.

“What?” Courtney asks, driving onto the highway. It’s about an hour drive, which means my mind has fifty-nine minutes to overthink everything.

“I was going to tell him, and he cut me off as soon as he saw the doctor.”

“What exactly were you going to say?”

I shrug, knowing I hadn’t thought it through. “I don’t know. That Travis and I hatefucked all over the house, so I have a reason to be worried, although now I’m wondering if he screwed Mia and if I should go back to hating his fucking guts again.”

She widens her eyes and grips the steering wheel tighter. “Perhaps it’s a good thing he hung up then. No matter what, everything is going to be okay. Got it?” She gives me a hopeful smile, and we ride in silence the rest of the way.

Finally arriving at the hospital, anxious butterflies swarm my belly, and I have no idea what to expect. Courtney grabs my hand as we walk through the entrance and find Drew waiting for us.

She leans in and whispers, “Would this be a bad time to mention how hot your brother looks right now?”

I look at her and scowl.

“You guys made it,” Drew says as he walks toward us. He wraps an arm around my shoulder and squeezes. He notices Courtney and flashes her a small smile. Of course, she melts, and I nudge her.

“Nurse said we could go in and see them soon,” Drew continues.

“Do you know what happened yet? Or how bad they’re hurt?” I search his face for a reaction, but he’s calm and calculated with his words and movements. Drew is worried shitless right now.

“Mia didn’t have her seatbelt on, so she’s banged up pretty bad. Her lung collapsed, and she slammed her head pretty hard. They’re keeping her overnight for observation, so I’m not sure when she’ll be released.”

“Glad to hear she’ll survive,” I say dryly between gritted teeth, but it’s lost on him.

“What about Travis?” Courtney fills the silence, and I’m so grateful she asks.

“The airbags deployed, causing some burns, and he smacked his head on the driver’s side window during impact. He had his seatbelt on, but the force of the impact broke a few ribs. He’s bruised, but he’ll survive.”

I’m finally able to exhale the breath I’ve been holding since I received the call. To say I’m relieved to hear he’s going to be okay is an understatement.

“He’ll stay in ICU for observation to make sure there’s no swelling in his brain, but knowing Travis, his head was already swelled up as big as his ego,” he cracks, getting a small smile out of me.

Tags: Kennedy Fox The Checkmate Duet Erotic