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Sharp pain stabs me in the chest as I linger on my thoughts. Before they can transform into nightmares, I push the miracle button to erase it all, and soon enough, I’m drifting into nothingness.


I’ve been completely out of it since I saw Travis in his hospital bed on Friday morning. It’s been eight grueling days and the fact that school starts back tomorrow doesn’t help. Where did the time go? Most of it was spent trying to work out the scenario that led Travis and Mia together. I don’t know the circumstances, but I’m going to try to give him the benefit of the doubt. Not knowing has been torture, but I won’t allow myself to jump to conclusions until we talk. I don’t know what I should be thinking or doing right now, but one thing is for certain: I can’t handle another broken heart because of him.

At the beginning of spring break, I said I didn’t want to be around Travis. Now, it’s torture being away from him. I wake up Sunday morning to the ringing of my phone. My heart races when I see Travis’ name flash across the screen. I quickly answer, and butterflies mixed with an anxious feeling swarm my entire body.



“I’ve missed you.” He sounds weak, and his throat is raspy.

My heart thumps hard in my chest, and I choke back tears. “I’ve been calling every day to get updates. I’ve been so worried.”

“I know. I’m being released today, though, and then we can talk. The doctor’s walking in. I’ll see you soon.”

“Okay,” I add just before the call ends.

My head is a bit clearer now, knowing he’s finally being released, but I won’t be at ease until Travis is home. Finding out he was with a girl—Mia, of all people—still makes my chest clench with a sharp ache. Will there always be a Mia in the picture? Or Sarah from the Bar or a Rachel? I can’t remember a time in Travis King’s life where he didn’t have a long line of conquests at his beck and call. That old nagging feeling returns in the pit of my stomach, but I force it away.

I drag myself out of bed and head to the kitchen for some coffee. While I wait for it to brew, I begin collecting my things from around the house, because class starts back tomorrow and I need to get back to my dorm. It feels like a different lifetime from who I was when I left the dorm two weeks ago.

Once I’ve placed my crap by the door, I pour a cup of steaming hot coffee, add a splash of milk and a spoonful of sugar. As I’m stirring my liquid magic, Drew speaks from behind me, scaring the living shit out of me. I jump, nearly spilling my perfect concoction of caffeine.

“What the hell?” I gasp, glaring at him. “Warn a girl before you creep up on her.”

“Someone’s jumpy this morning.” He moves around me and grabs a mug for himself.

I watch as he pours it and instantly takes a sip.

“Gross.” I make a gagging noise. “How can you drink that black?”

“I can’t drink basic bitch coffee, Vi.” He takes another sip just to taunt me.

“At least add some sugar.”

He wrinkles his nose and shakes his head. “What’s up with your crap by the door? Did you finally get your letter to Hogwarts?”

I glare at him. “He’s got jokes,” I say with mock amusement.

“So, which house will you be sorted in? Slytherin or Gryffindor? Actually, now I’m thinking you’re more of a Hufflepuff.” His lips curl into a cocky smirk.

“You’re such a jerk!” I playfully swing at him, but he’s all muscles and barely flinches. “You better take that back!” I try to hold back laughter, but the way he dodges my hits makes it hard.

“You hit like a girl,” he quips, smirking over his mug.

I roll my eyes. “I am a girl,” I say. “A girl who used to kick your ass, too.”

He snorts. “You mean, I let you kick my ass.”

“You’re such a liar!”

He tilts his head at me, daring me to challenge him.

“You know, for someone who mocks Harry Potter all the time, you sure do know a lot about it.” I cross my arms and give him an evil grin because I know he’s just as nerdy as I am. He just likes to hide it behind his big muscles, inked arms, and shiny badge.

“I’ve seen the movies a hundred times, thanks to you. Only nerds read the books.”

I snarl. “Are you trying to piss me off this early in the morning?”

He finishes his coffee with a smirk on his face, even though I’ve only taken a single sip of mine. After pouring another cup of coffee and chugging it, he speaks up again. “I’m picking Travis up from the hospital in a few. I asked the Chief if I could come in a little later today because he’s being discharged any minute. Wanna ride up there with me?”

Tags: Kennedy Fox The Checkmate Duet Erotic