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“I love my children more than anything in the world,” I said. “But our family isn’t complete without Little Alex, or Ali, as he likes to be called. He’s part of us. We all love him dearly. We couldn’t leave him for six months, or six minutes.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Nana nodding, and she looked infinitely wiser than Judge Mayfield in her high chair and black robes, especially when it came to raising kids.

“Please go on, Alex,” Ben said quietly. “You’re doing very wel

l. Go on.”

“If I had my wish, Christine never would have left Washington. Ali deserves to have us both around. But if he can’t have that, then he should be with as much of his family as possible. I don’t think he’s bad off here in Seattle, but this is supposed to be about what’s best for him. And as I said, I don’t know what this is worth, but I love him so much. He’s my buddy. He has my heart.” And then I did tear up, and definitely not for effect or the benefit of the judge.

Testimony continued through the afternoon and for much of the next morning, and it was brutal at times. After closing arguments from the lawyers, we waited out in the courthouse hallway while Judge Mayfield considered her next move.

“You were great, Daddy.” Jannie held my forearm and nuzzled my shoulder with her head. “You are great. We’re going to get Alex back. I can feel it.”

I put my free arm around her shoulder. “I’m sorry for this. But I’m glad you guys are here.”

Just then, a court clerk came out to call us back inside. His blank face showed nothing, of course.

Ben spoke quietly to me on the way in. “This will just be a formality. She’s probably going to take it under consideration, and we’ll hear back anywhere from two to six weeks. I’ll motion for a revised temporary visitation agreement in the meantime. I’m sure that won’t be a problem. You were great on the stand, Alex. No worries there. You can just relax for now.”

Chapter 36

AS SOON AS WE WERE gathered back in the courtroom, Judge Mayfield came in and sat at the bench. She fiddled with her skirt, and then didn’t waste any time.

“I’ve considered all the testimony and the evidence put before me, and I’ve reached my decision. Based on everything I’ve heard, it all seems very clear.”

Ben looked reflexively at me, but I wasn’t sure what the look meant. “Ben?” I whispered.

“Court rules for the petitioner. Residential parentage will remain with Ms. Johnson, upon whose counsel I will lay the burden of facilitating a mutually agreed-upon visitation schedule. I’m going to require mediation for any disputes regarding this agreement before I’ll consent to seeing you back here in this courtroom.”

The judge took off her glasses and rubbed her eyes, as if ruining a life was a tiresome part of her day. She then continued, “Given the geographic disparity, I am, however, encouraging creative solutions, and I am ruling that Dr. Cross will be entitled to the equivalent of at least forty-five days visitation per year. That’s all.”

And just like that, she rose and left the room.

Ben put a hand on my shoulder. “Alex, I don’t know what to say. I’m stunned. I haven’t seen a ruling from the bench in five years. I’m so sorry.”

I barely heard him, and I was hardly conscious of my family swarming around me. I looked up to see Christine and Anne Billingsley squeezing past to leave.

“What happened to you?” I asked, the words just coming. It was as if every muscle of control I had been exercising for the past couple of days gave out at once. “Is this what you wanted? To punish me? To punish my family? Why, Christine?”

Then Nana Mama spoke. “You’re cruel, and you’re selfish, Christine. I feel sorry for you.”

Christine turned from us and started to walk away very quickly, without saying a word. When she reached the courtroom doors, her shoulders hunched forward. Suddenly, she put a hand to her mouth. I couldn’t tell for sure, but I thought that she began to sob. Ms. Billingsley took her by the arm and ushered her out into the hallway.

I didn’t understand. Christine had just won, but she was weeping as if she had lost. Had she? Was that it? What had just happened inside her head?

A moment later I entered the hallway in a daze. Nana was holding one of my hands, Jannie the other. Christine was already gone, but someone else I didn’t want to see was waiting there.

James Truscott had somehow gotten inside the courthouse. And his photographer, too. What the hell was with him? Coming here. Now. What kind of story was he writing?

“Tough day in court, Dr. Cross,” he called up the corridor. “Care to comment on the ruling?”

I pushed past him with my family, but the photographer snapped off several invasive pictures, including single shots of Damon and Jannie.

“Don’t print a single picture of my family.” I turned to Truscott.

“Or what?” he asked, standing defiantly with his hands on his hips.

“Do not put my family’s pictures in your magazine. Do not.”

Tags: James Patterson Alex Cross Mystery