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When she finished the final rinse, his gravelly voice broke the silence.

“It’s just the two of us. Wash off the makeup. Remove the clothes. Let me see you.”

She couldn’t do that. The persona she wore was a safeguard. It protected her identity.

“No.” She looked down at his swelling erection. “How you can be so patient is beyond me. Doesn’t it hurt?”

“Watching you stare at it is my favorite part.” His hands flexed above his head, straining the rope that bound his sinewy forearms. “Your eyes get this disturbing jolt of light, like you want to tear your teeth into me.” His voice dropped, rasping with dark sensuality. “There’s something deranged and alluring about watching a woman devour what she wants with rabid intent.” His eyes hooded. “Go ahead, Lydia. Wrap those filthy lips around me and eat.”

Heat bloomed between her legs, pulsing angrily. “I’ll use my teeth.”

“I’ll be disappointed if you don’t.”

“And you called me a freak.”

“Takes one to know one.” His cock nodded in agreement.

Happy to oblige, she positioned herself over him, straddling one of his restrained legs. Then she lowered her head.

With the flat part of her tongue, she teased the tip of him. He didn’t move. She sucked on the plump head, tasting him in languorous strokes. He didn’t breathe.

Her lips stretched around his thickness as she slowly drew him in, deeper, harder, opening her airway, until her mouth reached the soft hair at his base.

She fought her gag reflex, breathing through the fullness in her throat as a series of twitches rippled across his abs. His leg trembled between the clinch of her thighs, and his addictive male scent flooded her senses.

As she made her way back up, she found him watching her, his lids half-mast and lips parted, breathless. Christ, that look on his gorgeous face, the sheer intensity in his eyes, awakened her pulse and spread fire through her circulation.

Without averting her gaze, she sucked him with vigor. The heavy hardness of him pressed down on her tongue, leaking salty beads of arousal from the tip. She lapped it up and felt her own moisture trickling down her thighs.

Since the hem of the dress fell to her knees, she’d gone without panties. Ideal for her position with his leg locked between hers. She rested her pussy against his thigh and let him feel the wetness, rubbing against his hard muscles and soaking his skin.

His groan of pleasure was the greatest reward, spurring her to grind harder as she took him deep into her throat. Her fingers gently kneaded and tugged at the soft heavy bag below his shaft. She hummed around his girth, swallowing a gush of pre-cum and savoring his clean, salty flavor.

She’d performed this act countless times with dozens of men in her adult life, none of which had left a lasting impression. But she would never forget this one. Not his taste, nor his velvety texture, nor the molten desire in his sexy brown eyes.

The man was fucking hot, and the more she pushed and pulled and licked, the more he failed to conceal his reactions. Muscles contracted on top of muscles. His feet scraped and dug against the floor. His exhales chased his inhales, his jaw tipping up, straining with the tautness of his body.

She added her teeth, scratching up and down his silky, turgid flesh, and his groaning turned to growls. His erection grew impossibly harder, and his spine bowed with the force of his need.

Her mouth was beginning to take its toll.

She pushed on, devouring him with slobbery, teeth-cutting, vulgar strokes. There was nothing clean or sweet about the way she sucked cock. But this kinky bastard didn’t care. He liked it sick and depraved. The dirtier, the better. Same as her.

With a hand clenched around his sac, she squeezed his dense balls while pressing a fingertip against the tight, silken entrance of his rectum.

“Fuck.” He gasped, shaking and flexing, his eyes wild as he stared down the length of his body. “What are you doing?”

“You like your ass fingered.” She stroked the little clenching knot of flesh.

“Help me out here because I’m getting mixed signals.” His chest heaved, and a twitch kicked up the corner of his lips. “Are you trying to deny orgasms? Or force them?”

Damn him and that lopsided smirk.

She flicked her tongue against the head of his cock and licked deep into the tiny slit, earning another trickle of salty fluid. “Depends.”

“On?” He struggled to push the word past his choking breaths.


Beautiful, strapping, rugged, seductive, iron-willed Cole Hartman. She had eleven years of patience and planning riding on his willingness to cooperate.

It was hopeless.

This man wasn’t going to help her in exchange for an orgasm. He was stronger than his baser needs. Smarter.

And he didn’t want her.

She knew it weeks ago. But she had to try.

Tags: Pam Godwin Deliver Erotic