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“I’m never letting you go, Korrie. God help me, but I can never let you go.”



It was the sound of my phone buzzing on the nightstand that roused me. I cracked my eyes open and blinked a few times. The curtains were partially pulled, and although I could see the lights from the city, the night sky was still in place. I didn't know what time it was, but I felt groggy from sleep, sore from Bishop, and had a smile on my face.

I grabbed my phone and saw the time. The sun would be rising soon, and before confusion on who would be calling me this early set in, I stared at the name and number that flashed on the screen.

Sharon 8A.

At first I wasn't sure why our neighbor, Sharon, called me, let alone numerous times. There were two Sharons on the same floor with us, 8A being our actual neighbor and a saint in all senses of the word; then there was Sharon from 3B, emphasis on the B.

Not only did Sharon bust her ass as a night nurse at the nursing home a few blocks from us, but she was also happy to answer all kinds of medical questions I had. Added to that, she also found time to bake my father chocolate chip cookies—his favorite—once a week.

To say she was an angel was an understatement.

I sat up and unlocked my phone, seeing several missed calls as well as texts from her. My heart started beating as I scanned the messages from her, my brows pulled down low as panic settled in.

Korrie, this is Sharon. Call me as soon as you can.

I felt my brows knit in confusion, but then sheer panic settled in.

It’s Sharon again. Your father fell, and I’ve taken him to St. Anthony’s. I’ll keep trying to call with updates.

My heart was racing as I read each text.

They’ve admitted him with a broken hip. He’s doing fine and in good spirits otherwise, but he keeps asking for you.

Oh. God.

I was out of the bed and shoving on my clothes so fast I grew dizzy and surprisingly was pretty silent and stealthy in the act, since Bishop didn’t even move. His breathing stayed deep and even, and a flush stole over my entire body as I realized why he was out cold… why he was so spent.

I shook my head. I couldn’t think about anything like that. I had to focus on clearing my head and composing myself. The last thing I wanted to do was have my father see me in a frantic, panic-driven state.

My heart was beating so hard and fast I was sure Bishop would wake up, and once I was fully dressed, I glanced at him. I hated leaving like this, but if I woke him, there would be questions, ones I didn't have time to answer. He’d insist on coming with me. I knew that for a fact, and as much as I’d love the support—needed it—I had to get out of here and be with my father.

He was okay, as Sharon said, but even so, I wanted to talk to the doctors and hear that for myself. I wanted to look into my father’s aged face and see the same strong man I’d always known.

I shook my head and silently left the bedroom, giving Bishop one more look over my shoulder, my heart aching, everything in me saying to go to him and let him help me through this. I had to get my head on right, make sure my dad was okay. After that… if Bishop still wanted me, then I’d cross that bridge and run into his arms, which I hoped were open for me.



I’d never slept so well, and I knew it was because I had Korrie in my bed. In my arms.

After worshipping her body and feeling mind-numbing pleasure with her, I curled my arms around her, sheltering her body with mine, and fell asleep nearly instantly.

I was blessedly drunk off contentment and feeling like the world was right and perfect because I finally had Korrie.

As I slowly blinked my eyes open, the room still dark but the promise of the morning sun hinting through the curtains, I knew instantly she was gone. I felt that hollowness, that coldness wash over me.

I reached out, my eyes still groggy and blurry from sleep, and smoothed my palm over the sheets where she’d been.


The bed was cool to the touch, the feeling of her not being here with me causing this unexplainable heavy panic to settle within me. I bolted upright and looked around, listening, hearing nothing but the house settling and early morning sounds of the city starting to wake up coming from outside.

Scrubbing a hand over my jaw, I felt scruff covering my cheeks. I was hungover, but the good kind because you’d fucked so well, claimed so hard you were drained dry. I’d never before felt like this and knew I never would again. Korrie was the key to this feeling.

Tags: Jenika Snow And The There Was Romance