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I brought up Bishop’s contact information and hit dial, putting the phone to my ear and listening to it ring. It was early, and he’d no doubt be asleep because he’d closed the bar.

My heart was still racing, my hands shaking a little bit, because adrenaline was rushing through my veins. A second later, I heard his groggy voice answer on the other end.


I could tell by his lack of interest that he probably didn’t know who was on the other end. I assumed if he knew it was me, he’d be a little bit more animated, given all his texting and calling yesterday.

“Bishop, it’s me, Adele.”

I heard him clear his throat and then some shuffling, as if he were moving around.

“Adele, what the hell? I was trying to get ahold of you all damn night.”

It was my turn to clear my throat. “Yeah, sorry about that. I disconnected, shut my phone off, and was holed up in my apartment.”

“What time is it?”

His voice was still groggy, and I pulled the phone away to look down at the time on the cell screen. “Early,” I said after I had the phone pressed back to my ear. “Just after eight. Sorry to call, but after your texts and calls, well…” I shifted on the bed, my heart still racing.

“Damn, Adele, that dude from last night—”

“Yeah, I don’t know what that was about.” I can only hope I know what it’s about. “Wh—what did he look like, Bishop?”

“Shit, Adele, I don’t know. I wasn’t measuring him for a suit.”

I chuckled, and in return he did the same.

“He had short dark hair. Couldn’t see his eye color good enough, but blue maybe? It was dark in the club. Looked like he hadn’t shaved in a few days. But I guess other than that, he was pretty well clean-cut. Had nice clothes on.”

God, I felt like I was going to faint despite sitting down. “Did he say his name?” I held my breath as I waited for Bishop’s answer.

“Didn’t ask, and he didn’t offer that information up. I didn’t tell him I knew you, but I could see by his expression he knew I was lying.” There was a moment of silence. “You know him? Because if not, shit, Adele, I’ll kick his ass if he thinks about showing up again.”

I didn’t know what to say, but I wouldn’t lie. “I hope it’s who I think it is. His name is Oliver.” Saying his name out loud to another person was weird. But it also felt strongly right.

I didn’t elaborate on who Oliver was to me, and Bishop didn’t ask.

“So he’s no danger to you then? If it’s this guy you’re hoping it is?”

My body got hot and tingly as I thought about Oliver, as I remembered how the only thing dangerous about him was all the filthy things he’d done to me in that hotel room.

God, I had to get off the phone with Bishop if I was thinking about this stuff about Oliver.

“No, he’s not a danger. If it’s him.” And after I hung up with Bishop, all I could think about, hope for, was that when I went to Lyrics tonight, when I got on that stage for the very first time and looked out into the audience, Oliver would be there watching me.



Sunday night

If that bartender didn’t think I was coming back the next night to see if Adele was here, he’d soon find out the lengths I’d go to find her. But I also had to be careful. The way he looked at me last night told me he could easily kick my ass, because he deemed me a threat to her. I could respect that, even appreciate it. He was looking out for my girl because I wasn’t there to do it myself.

And yes, Adele was my girl.

But I was here now, and I didn’t need anyone taking care of her but me.

Hell, I was losing my fucking mind. I had seen a picture of her on a corkboard, didn’t even know if she still worked here. Yet I was acting like she was already mine.

Tags: Jenika Snow And The There Was Romance