Page 13 of Home to You

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“I’m going to grab a drink. You want anything?” my father asks from beside me.

“No, thank you.”

“You enjoying the game?” he asks, smirking.

Busted. “Of course,” I reply easily.

“Uh-huh.” He chuckles as he stands to walk past me.

“Miss Haven, Miss Haven.” I hear a sweet little voice that I recognize instantly. “Mommy, it’s her. It’s Miss Haven. Can we go say hi?” Chloe asks her mom.

Her mom laughs and stands with Chloe’s hand in hers as they walk up the two steps to my row. “Hi, I’m Trina, the little one’s mom. I’ve heard a lot about you.” She gives me a friendly smile and offers me her hand.

“Nice to meet you.”

“She’s daddy’s friend,” Chloe tells her mother.

I try not to cringe. I know Sebastian said they have a good relationship, but this still feels awkward as hell. “We went to school together.”

“Oh, you’re that Haven.” Trina nods like she’s finally found the missing piece to a puzzle she’s been trying to finish.

“That’s me.” I smile. I hope it appears to be reassuring and not show the internal freak-out I’m having.

“Chloe has been practicing her balance,” Trina comments with a kind smile.

“Momma, I tolded Miss Haven that she should love my daddy so they can get married like you and Dave.”

My face heats from embarrassment, and I want to crawl under the bleachers. “Honey, it’s not that simple,” Trina tells her daughter with a soft, loving motherly voice. She glances at me and shrugs.

“Dat's what Daddy said too.” She crosses her arms and juts out her bottom lip.

“Hey.” Trina bends her knees so that she’s eye to eye with her daughter. “You know that Daddy, Mommy, and Dave all love you very much. One day when Daddy falls in love, you’ll have a stepmommy to love you just as much. These things take time, sweet girl. Love isn’t something you rush.” She stands back to her full height. “It was nice to meet you. I promised this one some popcorn.”

“Bye, Miss Haven.” To my surprise, Chloe engulfs my legs in a hug. “Can we have pizza again?” she asks, her eyes full of hope.

“You’re going to have to ask your daddy about that,” I tell her.

“Oh, he’ll say yes. He was really smiley when you ate pizza with us.” With that, she takes her mother’s hand, and they continue on to get their popcorn.

The Tigers take home the win, and the electricity of the crowd is contagious. It feels like home. I have so many memories at this stadium, and tonight brought them all back with a vengeance. The only difference is instead of Sebastian making the plays, he’s calling them.

“You ready, sweetheart?” Dad asks from his spot next to me on the bleachers. We sat for a while, letting some of the crowd thin out.

“Yes.” Standing, I gather the blanket I brought for us to sit on, and we begin to descend the bleachers.

“Miss Haven!” I hear Chloe's voice call out for me. Turning, I see her standing with both of her parents. I offer her a wave and keep on walking.

My heart is in my throat. I know that they’re divorced, but seeing them together with their daughter… That should have been me.

“Haven!” This time it’s a deep masculine voice that sends butterflies loose in my belly. “Wait up,” he says, reaching out and grabbing my hand.

Dad and I turn to face him. “Hey, Bash” I smile up at him.

“Thanks for coming,” he says, his eyes only for me.

“Wouldn’t be coming home without a Tigers game,” I tell him.

“You headed home?” He glances over at my dad. “Good to see you, Tom.”

“Yeah,” I say, watching as my dad reaches out to shake his hand and they exchange pleasantries. It doesn’t last long before Sebastian’s eyes are once again locked with mine.

“You want to maybe grab something to eat?”

“I rode with Dad—” I start, and he stops me.

“I can take you home. Come on, Haven, for old times’ sake.”

“I thought we already did that?” I ask him.

“Yeah, but I thought we could catch up just us. Chloe is with Trina tonight.”

“Go on, you deserve some fun,” Dad encourages.

I’m nodding before I can get the words out. “Yeah, sure. I’d like that.” It’s not a lie, but hanging out with him with all of these old feelings swarming inside me. I’m not so sure it’s a good idea, but I can’t seem to make my mouth form the word ‘no’ when it comes to Sebastian.

“Great. I just need to say goodbye to my girl, and we can go.”

“Okay, I’ll uh, just wait here for you.”

“No. You’re coming with me.” He reaches for my hand and addresses my father. “Good to see you again,” he says to Dad, and then we’re moving.

“All right, sweetheart, you be good for Mommy. I’ll be there to get you tomorrow afternoon,” he tells Chloe, taking her from her mom and kissing her cheek.

Tags: Kaylee Ryan Romance