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“Oh yeah?” she inquires.

“Oh yeah,” I confirm. “Every scene I read so far at least. Maybe some adlibbing to give you some ideas for later chapters.”

“I look forward to that,” she says.

“It’ll be like sexy improv. Like, maybe in addition to burnt toast, we’ll go all nine and a half weeks style on the kitchen floor and I’ll pull out some roast beef and horseradish sauce or something.”

“Ooh. I mean ouch. Wouldn’t horseradish burn your asshole?”

My phone vibrates. Adele calling.

I laugh. “Not mine. Yours.”

“Nope. Chapter thirteen was about me putting spicy condiments up your bum. If we follow script we’ll have to stay with the program.”

Fuck, she cracks me up.

“Layin’ down the law? I think that’s my job, Miss Sweetheart.”

She laughs. “Maybe we’ll adlib instead.”



Austin and I eat enchiladas together and he tries my homemade guacamole. He wrinkles his nose and tells me not to feel bad that it’s not his thing, says it’s a texture thing.

I shrug that off, not remotely offended, because Austin waxes lyrical while he eats three enchiladas. He goes on about almost everything I’ve cooked for him, almost as if he’s saved all the compliments he had because we weren’t exactly communicating. But we are now, and I feel not one shred of upset that he doesn’t like guacamole.

“And though I’m not a fan of avocadoes, I tell ya, sweetheart, I will forever look at them differently after today.”

I smile.

“You one of those girls afraid to eat around a guy?”

“Huh? No. Why?”

“You keep leaving full plates of food around me. Eat some food.”

“Maybe you ruin my appetite,” I give him a disgusted look and his smile goes so bright it’s a thing of beauty.

He likes that banter.

“Yeah, good, because who wants to sit here and watch you eat, anyway?”

“Watch the line, Master Groucho. You cross it and maybe you’ll wear some enchiladas.”

He laughs.

“Maybe you’ll wear them too,” he threatens.

“Maybe I’ll refuse to make them for you again,” I add.

“Whoa. Let’s not be hasty!” He throws his hands up in surrender.

I giggle.

“You okay, though?” he asks, leaning over and tugging on a lock of my hair.

I’ve got too many butterflies in my belly to have an appetite.

“I’m good. Just ate a late lunch,” I say and rise.

And then something cool happens. Austin and I clean up the kitchen together.

I never saw my parents do this. Dad was in his chair while Mom did it, looking like she was in a daydream – probably wishing she was someplace else. And then I did it while Dad was in his chair when Mom was gone, wishing I were somewhere else.

Here, cleaning up with Austin, I’m feeling like I could stay here and happily do this with him every night until forever. And that’s exciting and scary at the exact same time.

After we’re done, he asks, “Wanna come for a walk? Keep me company as I walk some of this food off and find a place to buy some condoms?”

“Sure. But what do you need condoms for?”

He looks at his feet and tries to hide a smile. “Maybe it’s just a good idea to have them on hand. Never know when you’re gonna need to bend somebody over and give them a penalty-fuck for streaky floors. Got any plans to wash the floors any time soon? I could be wrong, but it looks like there’s a spot over there.” He jerks his chin.

“I cleaned the floors today. Too bad you missed it.”

“Damn.” He snaps his fingers. “I figure it’s a good idea to be prepared, anyway. Shall we?”



Adele is calling again.

“Okay, I’ve had multiple calls now from my brother, my sister, and my mother. I better return one of these calls in case something’s up. I’ll call her back and then we’ll go. Okay? Gimme five?”

“Sure,” Jada agrees and then disappears down the hall.


“Oh, thank God,” Adele greets. “Dad had a heart attack, Austin. He’s heading into surgery.”

“No! Fuck. What happened?”

“Um, it’s kind of… uh…”

“What?” I push.

“He uh… are you sitting down?”

“No, I’m not. Just tell me.”

“He was having sex with Alice in a storage room at work.”

“What?” I sit down belatedly.


“Did I hear you right?”

“You did.”



“Holy shit. He was having sex with Alice and had a heart attack?”

“Yep. From what it sounds like, they got caught by Ally Kingston.”

I blink. My father told us he was impotent. I guess he’s not impotent anymore.

“How’s Dad?”

“He’s having a stent put in. He’s going into surgery soon and I’ll keep you posted. I’m at the hospital waiting for word with Aiden and Carly. And Alice.”

“I’m coming home. I’ll be there as soon as possible. Which hospital?”



“Got it,” Austin says and hangs up his call.

“What’s wrong? Someone’s in the hospital?”

“My father had a heart attack. His second one. I… have to go home.”

“Oh God. I’ll help you pack.”

“I don’t need to pack. I’ll… I’ll stay at my place tonight. I just need my laptop bag.”

Tags: D.D. Prince Alphahole Roommates Romance