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“Tell it to the judge, baby,” I tell her. “Now go. I’m not speaking further to you. You have something to say to me, like that you’re sorry for drugging me and date raping me, it should go through your lawyer.”

She barks out a laugh. “Date rape? Look at the size of you and the size of me. That’s rich. I didn’t do anything to you that you didn’t want. And newsflash. You did stuff to me, too. You made me come twice that night, Auz. You were a very, very willing and responsive participant. I was gonna wait till you got home to reconnect, but after Dad called and told me you were being a little bitch about this, I decided to make a special trip to tell you that maybe your memory is murky from that night, but we had a great time. You are damn good in bed and I wouldn’t mind another round. As long as you stop being a whiny bitch, that is…”

“Wow, Sienna. Fucking wow.”

“Besides, I’m no longer broken up about Aiden. You cured me of that and I planning to tell you I’m interested in you. So, why don’t you erase that recording and take me to lunch?”

“Got lunch already.” I gesture to the cooler bag behind her.

She stares at me for a minute before she replies. “If you’ve decided to take a play out of your brother’s handbook and be a jerk about this, your call. You probably feel like you need to save face with your brother who might about now be realizing his mistake marrying that girl instead of getting back with me.”

This chick is delusional.

“Drugging someone and climbing on them while they’re halfway unconscious is date rape, Sienna. I didn’t consent to that and I wasn’t in any sort of state to consent to anything, because you drugged me. If I got hard enough for you to get off, it’s not because I wanted you. And what are you up to now? Thinking you can string me along and keep pissing off my brother? You think I’m that gullible? You think Aiden gives that much of a shit what you do?”

“Pff. You’re sure you want to play it this way? It doesn’t have to be this way.” She slowly parts her legs wider, giving me a view that I’m not interested in.

“Very sure. Get out.”

She stares at me with shock. “You’re seriously going to drag both our names through the mud with a bogus charge?”

“It ain’t bogus, and yes I am.”

“You’re bluffing. Aiden put you up to this?”

“Wait ‘n see.”

Her lips twist into a very unattractive scowl before she straightens. “Good luck in our circles trying to call rape, Austin. Not only is it untrue, you’ll be a laughingstock. Have you thought about that?”

I glare at her. “Get out. Or I’ll call security.”

“Think about this before you do anything. This would be really fucking stupid of you,” she warns. “Think long and hard, Austin.” And then she storms out.

I hit my phone screen to make the recording stop and then I forward a copy of it to Dan, the lawyer on our team that’s spearheading the case for me.

I lean back in my chair and blow out a breath while finger combing my hair back.


The bitch isn’t wrong, though. There will be people who laugh at the prospect of a 6’1” 185-pound guy calling rape against a 5’7” 100-pound woman. And that’s bullshit. Because whether I’m a guy or a girl, she drugged me and took advantage of the situation.

I don’t think she planned it, but she did act on opportunity.

She took her opportunity when I walked up to her in the bar. Obviously, she had the drug on her because, my guess - she planned to give it to Aiden before his wedding so she could derail his life and make sure Carly called off the wedding.

Her father thwarted that plan by lying about which resort. Then I walk in and bam, plan B. She wanted us to get caught. She wanted to cause problems in my family.

And bottom line, whatever her reasons, I should get to decide who I fuck.

I don’t know how she knows about my fight with Meryl’s boyfriend, but there were a lot of eyes on that confrontation, or for all I know, she overheard my mother talking to Roger about it.

Whatever. I’ll let the lawyers deal with this shit.

I’ve got a lot of work ahead of me and now my head is fucked. I’m pissed.

My eyes land on the cooler bag and a stab of remorse hits.

How was I supposed to know Jada was making my lunch? I told her she didn’t have to start working for me until today and I didn’t even consider lunch factoring into that.

I unzip the bag with multiple compartments and catch sight of something written on the tag on the bottom. “Jada” in purple marker. She lent me her lunch bag.

Tags: D.D. Prince Alphahole Roommates Romance