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“Guess we can save our gift cards for another day,” Ally announces while clapping her hands.

Aiden gives a polite but cold nod without looking any of us in the eyes and he’s gone before Austin moves away. Austin smiles at us and turns, saying “Later.”

“Those are some good genes in that family.” Ally is staring at them as they go.

I let out the breath I’d been holding. So does Meryl.

“Sorry, Car,” Ally reaches over and squeezes my hand. “I was trying to do that for Mer, not thinking he might be waiting for Aiden.”

“For Meryl?” I ask, pointedly, but it’s already obvious.

Meryl goes an ever brighter pink.

“If Austin were in a boy band, he’d be alllllll over Mer’s wall.” Ally sighs dreamily. “She was like a wounded animal when she heard you almost had a date with him tonight.”

The server is back with our drinks.

Meryl is rolling her eyes.

“But after I told her about Aiden putting a stop to it, Meryl agreed with me. You’re totally gonna wind up in bed with your roommate.”

“Am not!”

Meryl and Ally bust up with laughter together.


I haven’t gotten drunk tonight. Not even tipsy. No way am I chancing being late for work tomorrow and having Aiden accuse me of another case of wine-lag.

I’ve had two glasses of wine and a big steak, a baked potato, some asparagus and salad, and then I ate a huge piece of chocolate cream pie with raspberry meringue on top.

I’m full and, despite what happened earlier, it was a good night. Having a night out with new friends was just what I needed, especially after the shower scene.

Ally ribbed Meryl about her crush on Austin. There’s a team-building dinner and drinks thing tomorrow night after work and it’s casual Friday so Ally is pushing Meryl to let her dress her. She’s determined she’s going to make a love connection.

“I go home in a week and a half,” Meryl reasons.

“So? Maybe he’ll fall in love with you and move you here and you’ll live happily ever after…” Ally is determined.

“I don’t want to live here. I have a life back home. Family that count on me. This new job, this is a big deal to my family. They’re very proud of me. They rely on me and…”

I put my hand on Meryl’s shoulder. “We get it. Ally, lay off.”

Ally pouts. “Well… just have a fling then.”

Meryl’s face goes horror-filled.

“Go back with juicy details of the hot, rich guy you had one hot night of passion with.” Ally shrugs.

She shakes her head. “No way. I’m not interested in that kind of thing.”

“But, you think he’s hot.”

“He is,” Meryl says, matter-of-factly.

I nod in agreement. He definitely is.

“But, I’m not that kind of a girl.”

Tags: D.D. Prince Alphahole Roommates Romance