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“Aid,” she whines and puts her hands over her eyes for dramatic effect. She’s always been good at the drama.

Taught me what to watch for, that’s one thing I got outta that relationship, at least.

She lets out a big sigh. “I can’t move on with my life. It’s like you and I left things unfinished. I need to see if we should’ve gone somewhere so I’ll know… so we either continue or it’s finally finished. Let’s do this. For real. Figure out if we’re real or we get closure. One or the other.”

I take a big haul off the cigarette and blow it in her face. She snatches it outta my hand and puts it in the sink and blasts water on it. She hated my smoking when we were together. This is why I blew it in her face.

“Take me to bed, Aid,” she whispers huskily.

I sit on a barstool at the breakfast bar, put my head down and rest my arms on my legs, studying my shoes. I don’t need this shit right now. This bitch pretending she’s here for any other reason beyond her own agenda.

She comes to me and puts her hand on my face. I shrug her off.

“Do not touch me,” I tell her.

She stands there a minute, then walks to the hall and closes the doors, separating us from the hallway. I don’t know if Carly’s here or what. Sienna asked who she was, so I know she’s been here. Maybe she went down to the girls’ apartment to hide out from this bitch. More likely that she’s in her room and that’s why Sienna has shut the doors. Sienna is an absolute mean girl. We attended the same private school and she was the epitome of a mean girl. I wonder what the fuck she said to Carly.

I don’t know why I’m wondering about Carly at a time like this.

“Aiden, please. Let’s go to your room and talk.”

“Go, Sienna. Before I throw you out.”

Not a single woman has been in my bed since this bitch fucked me over. I never take them to my bed since this cunt.

“But, I…”

I shrug her off. “You cheated. You lied. You and I are done.”

“Who we are, we’re above that monogamy bullshit. You can’t tell me you only had eyes for me while we were together.”

“Get out,” I say.

“You know why I did what I did. My father needed me to schmooze that senator’s son. I had no feelings for him…”

“Doesn’t matter. Don’t care. Go.”


“Get the fuck out!” I shout.

She starts with the tears. She grabs her designer bag and leaves. I lock the door and go to my room, slamming the door.



I hear a door slam so loud it makes me jump.

I sit, waiting, ears peeled. Then, no other noise.

Before I go to bed and put an end to this craptastic day, one thing is going to go my way. It might not be fun, but I’m about to deal with Jon, Caitlin, and Steph. On the bus ride home, I toyed with the idea of doing what I’m about to do, but my convo with my Mom sealed it for me. Tomorrow, I wanna wake up with no baggage weighing on me so I can focus on rocking my job. This means I need to deal with the three stooges. Now. Like ripping off a Band-Aid. End this bad day with something good. Closure.

First: Caitlin.

I text her.

“As you probably heard, I relocated. I’m in California. The apartment needs to be vacant by the end of the month. I can’t help you any longer, Cait. I’m sorry but I have to step back. Please get into rehab. Get some help. I have to take the same stand as Mom and Dad. You screwed me with my credit card and you’re lucky I’ve decided to pay it rather than report it to the cops. I don’t believe you when you say you didn’t pawn our G’s jewelry. I love you, but you make me sad. I am suddenly single, suddenly without a best friend, and my sister has hurt me just too many times. I have to take care of me. Take care of you & pls get help. I left you pamphlets for rehab. It’s up to you now. I can’t pay your cell bill again this month, so you’re on your own after the 30th. I hope you find your way. I pray for you & always always want the best for you.”

Tags: D.D. Prince Alphahole Roommates Romance