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He led her across the dancing area, which was empty. She guessed it was too early for anyone to get their groove on. The bar had a few people sitting at it and it was more lit up than the rest of the dungeon. Great. Everyone would be able to get an eyeful.

There was a big man sitting on one stool by himself. Master Nick. He had to be at least six foot five and he was nearly twice as wide as she was. He wore a black shirt and pants. A few seats down another man sat. Instead of fet wear, he was dressed in jeans and a checked shirt, he had dark hair and a sexy moustache. Alexander St. John was a good-looking man and one hell of a lawyer. At his feet his sub rested on her knees, her cheek was leaning against his thigh, and she had a dreamy look of pleasure on her face.

She glanced quickly up at Ria then away. Elise. She didn’t know her that well. Just that she was some sort of artist and she drove a really nice car.

“Evening, Connor,” Master Matthias, who was bartending tonight, greeted him. “What can I get for you?” Then his eyes widened. “Ria. This is unexpected.”

She smiled at Matthias. “How are Stacey and the kids? Did they like the cupcakes?”

“Kids loved them, thanks, sweetheart.” Matthias smiled at her. “Abigail took hers to school and showed off the unicorn one.”

“Rule number two,” Connor told her with a frown. “When we’re at the club, no speaking to anyone unless I give permission. And then you will address any Doms with the proper respect.”

“That’s hardcore,” she muttered. Then wished she hadn’t as his gaze narrowed.

“You’ll not talk now until I give permission or ask you a direct question,” he told her in an icy voice.

Well, shit. That was going to be a tough order to follow. Up there with the whole letting her boobs flop around.

Do your boobs hang low? Do they wobble to and fro?

Suddenly she became aware that everyone was staring at her. Matt was biting his lip, he looked away as though he was trying to hide a smile. Elise and Alex didn’t bother to hide their grins. Connor just looked shocked. He shook his head.

“Whoops, did I say that out loud?”

He scowled. “You did. And that’s twenty for not obeying your Dom.”

“Does it make any difference if I didn’t know I was talking?”

“Speak again without permission and I’m going to gag you.”

Her eyes widened.

Well, shit.

“What can I get for you, Master Connor?” Matt asked again when he had himself back under control.

“Can you hand over my bag?”

Matt bent down and reappeared with a large, black leather bag. She bit her lip. She was dying to know what was in it and what it was doing behind the bar.

He drew a pair of nipple clamps out of the bag. Oh, God. Maybe she should have insisted on filling out a contract tonight. Because she wasn’t at all sure she wanted to wear those on her sensitive nipples.

“Ever worn nipple clamps?”

She shook her head.

“Words, Ria,” he growled at her.

“Thought you just told me I couldn’t talk,” she countered. Then she winced.

Ria, Ria, Ria. That mouth of yours is going to get you into trouble. Yeah, and didn’t she know it.

“And for that, you just earned this.” He pulled out a black ball gag.

“Oh, yay.”

Matthias shook his head. “Suggest you stop talking, little one.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic