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hrough those walls but strong enough not to let her get away with pushing them.”

“Excuse me? Are you giving him advise about what sort of Dom I need?” She stood this time, congratulating herself for managing that. “I don’t need any sort of Dom because I’m not a submissive.”

“Think it’s obvious to all of us you are, wildcat,” Connor answered.

“Will you stop with the cutesy names,” she told him.

His lips twitched. “You think wildcat is a cute name?” He looked over at Ajax. “She needs someone sooner rather than later, too.”

“I don’t need anyone. I’m not submissive.” She felt like a broken record.

“Right. That’s why you found your position so prettily just before.”

“Connor, this is none of your business,” Ajax warned him. “It’s her choice.”

Finally. Someone was on her side. She gave Ajax a smile of thanks. “I’m going back to work.” She spun towards the door.

“She’s got a badly bruised wrist. Looks like someone grabbed her. Hard.”

She froze at Connor’s words. Shit. Shit. Shit.

Ajax was a good boss. You did your job well and he didn’t interfere. He didn’t push. Didn’t try to poke his nose into your business and ask too many questions.

Unless you riled his protective instincts. Then all hell broke loose. Because when Ajax was on the war path, you didn’t want to get in his way. Some of the subs had told her he was a Daddy Dom. She didn’t exactly know what that meant, but he definitely took a protective stance with those he considered to be under his care. Which included pretty much everyone in the club. Even the Doms, much to their frustration at times.

“What? When? Who?” he shot the questions at her.

“It’s nothing,” she said defensively, tugging the sleeves of her shirt down.

“Was it consensual?” Connor asked. “You into rough play?”

Ajax shook his head. “Can’t see it.”

“Are you hard of hearing?” she snapped at Connor. “I don’t play at all.”

“I’m fairly easygoing, but I have my limits. And that means I won’t put up with disrespect or lies.”

She immediately felt ashamed. Then she told herself to suck it up. This had nothing to do with him. She didn’t care if he was a club Dom, she didn’t answer to him. Well, actually that was a gray area. The club Doms were in charge of watching over the unattached subs. But that seemed to extend to her and Sophie as well.

“I’m not lying.”

“But you haven’t told us what happened either,” Ajax said. His voice was calm but when she looked at him, she could see the tense way he held himself. “Let me see.”

Fuck. She could snark and bite at Connor, refuse him all she liked, but Ajax was her boss. And even more than that, he was a man she respected, and liked.

“It’s not a big deal, Ajax.”

“It is if someone hurt you. Let me see.” He held out a big paw and she walked over and placed her hand in his. He gently tugged up her sleeve, looking at her wrist carefully.

“Looks painful. You had this looked at?”

“Yes,” she said.

“Other hand.”

She raised her other hand, letting him look it over. “You been playing somewhere else, Ria?”

“No, Sir.” Shit.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic