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“You did what?”

“Yeah. They never found out. Wasn’t until I was fifteen that I was caught. By then I’d broken the law so many times, I’d lost track. My family was horrified. My mother still prays for my soul in church.”

“Oh my God.”

“I never did anything malicious while I was hacking into all those databases. Oh, I changed a few grades for my friends on their report cards. The principal wasn’t too happy about that. Neither were my parents. They have five kids and I created more trouble than the rest of them put together. The only other trouble they’d had was when one of my sister’s got caught smoking pot during her senior year of high school. She was pleased when I took the pressure off her and mom no longer mentioned her transgression every Sunday night during family prayer time.”

She couldn’t help it, she started to giggle. He smiled. “I didn’t like causing them problems. Making them worry.”

“What happened when you were fifteen?”

“I got a choice. Work for the FBI or get arrested.”

“What? You were fifteen!”

“Oh, I didn’t officially work for them until later. But I did jobs for them. My parents didn’t fully understand what was going on. Neither did I, really. It was a game. Later on, when I understood that my actions had consequences, I discovered I didn’t like the work I was doing so much. I was a bit of a nerd. Didn’t have any friends. Didn’t really do anything except work. Then I met Greta. I thought I was so lucky that this gorgeous woman wanted me, when it turned out she was just using me to get information. I never told her anything, but the FBI decided I was a liability. In the end, it turned out to be a good thing because I went to work for Black-Gray and I made a life myself. So you see, baby, I’m practically a bad boy.”

She grinned. “A bad boy, huh?”

“Yep. I’m thinking about getting me a hog and some tattoos. Something that shows what a badass I am.”

“You don’t need the tattoos and bike. I know you’re a badass on the inside.” The tight knot inside her eased with his teasing. “We don’t want to give your mother something else to despair over.”

“Oh, I think she loves it.” He kissed the top of her head. “All teasing aside, I know who your brother is and what he does. That doesn’t reflect on who you are. You’re kind and brave and fiercely loyal. I’m not going to come between you and your family, so long as none of that shit touches you and I’ll make sure it doesn’t.”

“I messed up, though. And I can’t guarantee it won’t happen again. If you reject me, I don’t know how I will deal with that.”

“Sh, baby. I promise I won’t do that again. I won’t turn away from you.”

She sniffled and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I love you so much.”

“I love you too, baby. And I’ll spend the rest of my life, making certain you know just how much I adore and cherish you.”


“That wasn’t a dog, it was a horse.” Connor stared in horror at the closed door. She’d just removed Butch from her room.

“Poor Butch, he’s missed me. He likes to sleep in my bed every night.”

“We’re gonna need a bigger bed.”

“I can’t believe I have a boy in my bedroom,” Ria told Connor with a grin. “It feels so naughty.”

“Naughty, huh?” He pulled her into his arms, holding her tight. She never thought she’d feel him hugging her again. It felt so right. Like coming home. “You know what I can’t believe? That your brother eats that much and isn’t the size of a house.”

“I know, it’s not fair. He got my father’s fast metabolism. It’s the only thing I would have liked from that bastard.”

Well, that and for him to have accepted me the way I am. To love me no matter what.

He tilted her face up. “What are you thinking about?”

She shrugged. “My dad. About how he never accepted me.”

“He was an idiot who didn’t deserve you. Because you are perfect.” He kissed her lightly. “I noticed you didn’t eat much at dinner.”

She rolled her eyes. “My stomach has shrunk over these past two weeks. I’m fine.”

“You’re going to be better than fine. I’ll see to that. I’m going to be watching you carefully. I know I was a bit over-the-top with all my rules, but I’m always going to be serious about your health and safety.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic