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“You don’t know who she is, do you? I did wonder when I saw how close the two of you are.” He grimaced as though the thought disturbed him. Then he turned to her. “You never told him?”

She shook her head.

“Told anyone?”

Another shake.

He reached out and ran his hand over her head. “Loyal as always.”

Ria made a noise of shock. She tried to say something but the goon didn’t move his hand.

“Who are you?” Connor asked. It was obvious they knew each other well. A thought occurred to him. “You her old Dom?”

“Jesus, no.” The man sent him a disgusted look. “I’m her brother.”

A brother? But her background said she was an only child. Obviously, she’d been lying about who she was. Why hadn’t he seen it? She’d fooled him. Just like Greta had. He could feel himself growing cold.

Ria made another noise. Her brother sighed. “Carson, let her speak.”

She glared at her brother then turned to Connor. “Connor, I’m so sorry. I couldn’t tell you—”

“Don’t bother,” he said coldly.

She flinched. Guilt filled him, but he pushed it aside. She’d obviously lied to him without qualms. “I’m guessing your name isn’t really Ria Carpenter and your parents weren’t a teacher and a banker.”

“I’m so sorry. I couldn’t tell you.”


“Was it all a lie, then?”

“No. No, please believe me, it wasn’t.” Tears tracked down her face but he refused to be moved by them. He turned to her brother. “What now?”

“Please, you have to believe me.”

Her brother frowned, looked between them both. “Now, I’m taking my sister home with me. I’m afraid I’ll have to leave you both tied up. Can’t have you following me. Don’t try to contact my sister again. Understand?”

“Don’t worry. I won’t.”

Ria was silent. She just stared at him. He deliberately turned his gaze away from her.


She sat in Freddy’s private plane. After he and his goons had stolen her from the safe house, and she’d love to know how he found her, they’d made a quick trip to a private airfield where his plane was located, loaded her in and taken off. Wouldn’t take long to get back to Chicago . . . and then what?

She pulled her legs up under Connor’s shirt. She was glad she’d have something to remember him by, although she wished she was wearing something more substantial.

“Please tell me you have underwear on,” Freddy begged.

“Why would you think I wouldn’t?”

He snorted. “Because if you were my sub I’d order you to go without at all times.”

“Eew, I did not need to know that.”

“Well, I don’t need to see any of your private parts. So if you’re not wearing any, please keep your legs down.”

“I’ve got underwear on.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic