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Ria stared at him, her face so pale she looked ill. She just stared at him for a moment then turned to run back to the bedroom.

Fuck! He was a fucking idiot. “Ria, wait!”

He followed her, heard a door slam. Shit. Shit. Why had he said that? He needed to clear things up. Hunter was right. He was handling this all wrong. He should be holding her, reassuring her that everything going to be all right. That he would take care of her. Then when this was over, he could address her disobedience. And then he could . . . what? Walk away?

He tried to turn the door handle but found the door locked. Shit.

“Ria! Open this right now. Ria!”

“No.” She sounded like she was crying.

Damn it. He wanted give her soft reassurance. But she had to know that locking a door between them wasn’t acceptable. He needed to be able to get to her at any time if he was going to protect her.

“Ria, you unlock this now or I’ll break it down. And then I’m gonna take my belt to your ass.” It was an empty threat. Never a good idea. But he needed her to open this door.

Suddenly, the house went black. He tensed, his heart pounding.

“Shit!” Hunter called out from the living room. “They’ve found us. Fuck. Get the girl secured.”

He reached for his gun then realized he’d left it back on the coffee table. Idiot! Suddenly he heard Ria scream.


He pulled back and shoved his shoulder at the door. Mistake. Someone grabbed him as he entered the bedroom, slamming him back against the wall. Something hit his head with a heavy thump and he slumped to the ground as Ria screamed again.

No! Ria!

Terror filled him. He tried to fight the darkness. He had to get to her. Save her.

Because he loved her.

Connor woke up slowly, his head pounding, his mouth dry. His stomach heaved and he took shallow breaths to stop himself from throwing up.

“Let them go, Freddy!”

Ria. That was Ria. He tried to move, frowning when he realized he couldn’t. He forced his eyes open, blinking to clear the fog. He stared around. Where was he? He didn’t recognize this room.

Safe house.

“Connor! Connor, are you okay?”

He turned, found Ria standing next to a huge guy with shaggy, dark blond hair.

“Ria! Let her go!” he croaked weakly. Fuck! How could he have been caught off guard like that?

Ria tried to take a step towards him. Her hair was a tangled mess, she was dressed just in his large shirt and there were tear tracks down her face.

He tugged at the rope around his wrists and ankles. But there was no give. He looked over to find Hunter in the same position. His wrists tied behind him. Ankles bound. Around them stood five armed goons, as well as the man standing next to Ria.

“Carson, hold her,” the big guy ordered as Ria tried to get to him.

One of the goons grabbed Ria’s arms, pulling her back.

“Fuck! Let me go, Carson! Freddy, I need to check on him. He could have a concussion.”

“It’s the least he deserves.”

“They were protecting me!”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic