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“I’m glad you love her as much as I do. Because it means that this thing between the three of us has a chance of working. More of a chance than it ever did with Sarah. And it will work. I can promise you that. Because there is no way in hell I am losing either one of you.”

“What are you saying?” His heart raced, but he didn’t dare hope. Not yet.

Sloan sighed. “Should have known you’d make me spell it out. I’m saying that these past few weeks have been hell. Not having you with us. We’ve both felt the loss. You’re meant to be with us.”

He shook his head. Was he fucking with him? No. He wouldn’t be so cruel. “Kinley . . .”

“Kinley loves you as well. Although she’ll probably murder me for telling you without her. We’ve already discussed this. We both want you, James. With us. Be with us. There, not sure I can make it any fucking clearer.”

It was what he’d dreamed of hearing. And yet, he still held back. Because the last thing he wanted was to be a third wheel. To be on the outside again.

“James, look at me.” James looked into his brown eyes.

“Can you tell me that you’re happy? That you like going back to your apartment alone? Or with a different woman each week?”

“You know I’m not,” he growled.

“And do you know why? Why you left? Why you’ve stayed away from us? It’s because you love us, don’t you?”

“You know I do,” he spat out, feeling angry for some reason. Maybe because Sloan was pushing him into something he’d resigned himself to never having. “Doesn’t mean I’m going to risk what the two of you have.”

“You won’t be. You’ll be making it even better.”

He shook his head then stood. “I have to go.”

Sloan stood slowly. “All right, you think about it. When you’re willing to risk getting hurt to take hold of what you want, what we all want, you know where we are.”


“We scared him off,” Kinley worried as they pulled up outside Club Decadence.

“He was already scared. Once he works through it, he’ll be back.”

Kinley turned to him. “How can you be so sure?”

He reached over and pulled her lip from between her teeth. “Because he can’t live without us. How could he? We’re wonderful.”

She laughed. “You’re so modest.”

“Shucks, thanks ma’am.” He tipped an imaginary hat. Then he leaned over and kissed her. “James knows a good thing when he sees it. He’ll come around. You’ll see. Come on, let’s go play.”

Her heart a little lighter, she let him help her down from the truck then followed him inside. She wore jean shorts and a tight T-shirt under her coat. Not her usual fetish wear, but Sloan had a special scene planned out for tonight. Excitement made her pulse race. Her clit throbbed in anticipation. Her breasts bobbed, free of a bra. Normally, she wore a corset to the club, which kept her breasts contained.

Sloan helped her off with her coat at the entrance and handed it over to the attendant before leading her into the dungeon. Once they were inside, he paused for a moment looking around. Then he strode towards a group of people off to one side of the bar. She didn’t take much notice of the group until they drew closer, then she stilled, her heart racing.

Was it? Could it be?

Sloan reached over and tapped a shorter, dark-haired male dressed in a black T-shirt and tight, leather pants. As the man turned, her heart stopped.

“James,” she whispered.

Then realizing Sloan had known he was here all along, she smacked him on the arm. “Damn it, Sloan! You could have told me.”

“Is that any way to speak to your Dom?”

Her eyes widened as James stepped forward, his voice stern as he spoke. “Sloan told me you were trained, is that not true?”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic