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“Because . . . I’m nothing special. I’m chubby and boring and not very smart.”

He turned to Sloan. “You have got to work on her self-esteem. She ought to have a red ass every time she talks down about herself.”

Sloan glared at him over his shoulder. “I’m working on it. Hard to unravel years of her thinking she’s not as good.”

“As good as whom?”

“Her sister,” Sloan replied, but this time he was looking at her. She squirmed. She hadn’t realized he’d worked that out. “Everyone used to tell her how smart and beautiful her sister was. Made Kinley think she couldn’t live up to her.”

“Ridiculous,” James said.

Something inside her warmed at the disbelief on his face. As hard as it was for her to accept, both of these men really did see her as beautiful. Desirable.

“So, if he’s a secret admirer then who is he?”

“Someone who still believes you live in your apartment,” James pointed out. “Which makes me think he hasn’t been watching you at home or he’d have realized you weren’t living there anymore. Who haven’t you told that you’ve moved?”

She rubbed her head. “I don’t know.”

“All right, other way around. Who knows you’ve moved? Your work? People at the club?”

“Our friends at the club know,” Sloan said quietly. “I don’t think you’ve told your boss yet.”

“No.” She shook her head. “I didn’t really see the point. I changed my address on file, but he wouldn’t notice that. But it’s not Mike.”

“What about his son?” James asked. “Gary?”

She felt a little ill. “He has been watching me weirdly lately.”

“What?” Sloan barked. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because Gary’s always been a sleaze. He tries it on with everyone. Doesn’t mean he’s a stalker. And just because someone sent me flowers doesn’t mean they’re a stalker.”

“No,” James agreed. “But it doesn’t mean they’re not.”

“Nothing else has happened,” she pointed out.

“She’s right.” Sloan turned to James, who nodded. “There’s been nothing violent. Nothing threatening.”

“I still don’t like it.”

She didn’t point out that James didn’t really have anything to do with this, and neither did Sloan. Seemed like they’d come together against a common enemy, so to speak. And as overwhelming as having the two of them work together was, she was happy to see it.

“So, what do we do?” she asked.

“Talk to the police,” James said. “They might be able to track him through the florist he used.”

“I don’t remember any logo of a florist on the flowers, do you?” Sloan asked her.

She shook her head.

“I don’t either,” James said. “Do you think it’s possible he’s delivering them himself?”


“Does Gary know about Sloan?” James asked.

“Um, no, I guess not. He’s not really someone I talk to if I can help it.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic