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Not too serious? Who are you trying to kid? She practically had their kids’ names picked out. She wanted serious with Sloan. She wanted to be all in.

And how do you expect that to happen if you keep hiding things from him?

Exhaustion pulled at her as she tried to drag herself up, so she was sitting rather than slumped against him. She’d hoped to spend some more time with him tonight.

He helped her stand, holding her around the waist when she swayed a little.

“You all right?” He peered down at her, worriedly.

“Me? I’m fine.” She forced herself to smile up at him.

His gaze narrowed, and he studied her thoughtfully. “You’re a little too pale for my liking. You need something else to eat and some sleep.”

“I’ll get something at home.”

He just stared at her then he shook his head. “Nope, not happening.”


“You can’t drive home like this, and I don’t want to leave you alone. You’re coming home with me.”

Sloan glanced over at Kinley who shifted around, uncomfortable on the wide seat in his truck. She wasn’t a short woman, but he’d still had to boost her up into his truck. He’d enjoyed lifting her, watching that cute ass as she climbed into the high seat.

“Want to stop for some burgers or something?” he asked.

She wrinkled her nose. “You stop for some if you like, but I’m not hungry.”

“Haven’t got much at home,” he said, ignoring her protests. “I could manage some bacon and eggs.”

“I can make something,” she offered, a little shyly.

“Yes, good,” he said quickly before she could change her mind. Kinley was an amazing cook.

She grinned at him.

“My daddy didn’t even know how to turn the stove on,” she joked. “Mom did all the cooking and cleaning, he worked long hours on the ranch, though. And she never seemed to mind.”

Was there a note of wistfulness to her voice?

“You miss him?”

Stupid. Of course, she does.

“Yeah, I miss him. Not as much as Mom does, of course. I half-expected her to follow him even though Char said that’s stupid and people don’t die of a broken heart. Since he died she just doesn’t seem to be living.”

Char was her older sister. From what he could tell her sister had plenty of opinions about everything.

He pulled onto his street then into his driveway. The truck idled as he waited for the automatic garage door to open. He gazed at his four-bedroom house. It wasn’t a mansion, but it was still a nice place in a good neighborhood. He’d worked hard for everything he had, and he was proud of it. He’d done okay since ending his friendship with March. Although sometimes he still felt a childish urge to call him up and tell him, “Look what I did without you.”

Shaking his head at his foolishness, he drove into the garage. James March was his past. He didn’t ever intend to go back. He turned the truck off and climbed out, moving around to the passenger side to open her door. He grabbed her waist, lifting her down. Her body brushed against his, and he felt her tremble. It fulfilled some primal part of him to know she wanted him as much as he wanted her. Taking her hand, he led her to the door.

They moved into the kitchen with its stone countertop and dark cupboards. “Drink?”

Her color was better, but still not great, and he noted the way she swayed slightly. She needed sleep, but he didn’t want her sleeping on an empty stomach, he’d heard her stomach grumble several times.

Still, she shook her head. “No, thanks.”

She moved to the fridge. “You mentioned bacon and eggs?”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic