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“Okay, we’ve got it. Jenna checked into the Silent Night Motel. Got the address and I’m sending it to all your phones. Cady’s calling Haven’s sheriff to let him know.”

“Tell Lacey to call Travis as well,” Gray said. “Good work.”

“Travis?” he asked when Gray ended the call.

“He wants to be kept informed on what’s going on. He’s taken a liking to Jenna.”

Curt couldn’t blame him. She was damn near perfect. He just prayed like hell she was all right.

I’m coming for you, baby. Just stay safe.


Jenna was freezing. If she hadn’t had Daisy to cuddle with to keep warm the cold might have sent her out of hiding and into her attackers’ arms. Not that she’d seen or heard from either man again.

That didn’t mean she was going to risk moving. She’d just wait until morning. Or until Curt came. Whichever came first.

I’ll always come for you, Jenna.

He was coming. She knew he was. She just had to hold on. She snuggled in against Daisy, trying to ignore her shivering and the fact she really, really had to pee. Her stomach grumbled, and she swore under her breath. That’s all she needed. For her hiding place to be discovered because her damn stomach wouldn’t be quiet.

Was that a siren?

Should she get out and look? But what if it was going somewhere else? Nope. She wasn’t moving until Curt got here. She didn’t trust anyone else. Well, maybe a few other people. Please let Melody have heard me. If she had and called Jake maybe they could figure out where she was. Maybe one of them would call Curt, and he’d come looking for her.

She’d hidden herself and Daisy in the back of an old car. It smelt terrible, the upholstery had seen better days, and there was a spring pressing into her hip. But she’d put up with worse. She’d been chained to the ground inside a dark hut for eight days. Compared to that this was a damn holiday.

Why do these things keep happening to me?

At least she had Daisy now. If it weren’t for Daisy, she knew those guys would have taken her. God knew where she’d be by now. She had no idea who their boss was but she definitely knew she didn’t want to chat with him.


When they pulled into the parking lot of the Silent Night Motel it was the middle of the night. Curt was prepared to wake the whole damn town if that’s what it took to find Jenna. Instead, the reception area was fully lit. They walked in to find a potbellied, older man taking a swig of whiskey from a bottle.

“We’re closed,” he snarled.

“We’re looking for Jenna Jasons,” Curt said. “What room is she in?”

The man seemed to pale. Then he stood and moved hastily backward. “Now, I don’t want any more trouble.”

“What do you mean any more trouble?” Curt stepped forward. “What trouble?”

The guy held up his hands. “Don’t shoot me. I don’t know nothin’.”

“What the fuck?” Hunter asked.

“Curt. You got here quickly.”

Curt turned to see Jake step through the door. He was in uniform and he looked tired. “Two guys turned up here a few hours ago and tried to kidnap Jenna. Apparently, she and Daisy fought them off. One of them took potshots at her.”

“What? Is she all right?” His heart hammered hard. Please don’t say she’s dead. Please let her be okay.

“Don’t know, no one can find her. I’ve been talking to the Sheriff of Bethlehem, he’s got these guys locked up. One of them has a broken nose and swollen balls, the other had a few bites. Thought I’d go have a chat with them.”

“We’ve got to find Jenna,” Curt said urgently.

“She’s probably somewhere close by,” Gray suggested.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic