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He thrust into her mouth then groaned as he came, his hips raising off the bed, his body shaking with his release. Lacey continued to suck on him then she licked her way back up his cock, giving the head a soft kiss.

“Come here,” he told her in a husky voice.

She moved up beside him and he pulled her in to kiss her, not caring that she tasted of him. “Thank you.”

“Anytime, Sir. Anytime.”

Chapter Seventeen



She sat up in bed, gasping for breath, her skin coated in sweat. Oh my God. Could she be right? Had he been signaling the number eight? She glanced over at Gray, but he was still asleep. She checked the time. 6:04 a.m.

Travis was an early riser so she knew he’d be awake.

Grabbing her phone, she moved out of bed and into the living area of the room. This place was huge, and easily the nicest hotel she’d ever stayed in. She stared out at the Manhattan skyline as she texted Travis.

Come on.

He replied with a simple yes. Okay, now she just needed to ensure she went there alone. That wasn’t going to be easy. She leaned her head against the glass, the coolness soothing

against her overheated skin.

It couldn’t be true. He was dead. This wasn’t the same man. She had met the Latin Lothario, he’d jogged by her every day for weeks. He’d had an olive complexion, he’d been younger, in his mid-thirties. This man was much older and Caucasian. They were nothing alike.

So why did it feel like he was back. A copycat? Possibly. But why did he signal the camera? Who did he think would be watching?

“Hey, what are you doing up?”

She screeched at the sound of Gray’s voice, whirling, her heart racing so fast and hard she felt slightly light-headed.

“What’s wrong?” Looking concerned, he moved forward and grabbed hold of her elbow. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” She felt terrible lying to him, but she couldn’t say anything until she’d seen the footage again. And if what she thought was true then this little lie was going to be the least of her problems. “I couldn’t sleep.”

He studied her for a moment, looking slightly suspicious. Then he stretched. “I slept really well. I wonder why.” He gave her a look.

She smiled. “You liked it?”

He drew her close then kissed her. “I loved it. How about we order breakfast then have a shower? I just need to check my email and see if Connor came through on those addresses and phone numbers for Rory’s friends.”

“Actually, Travis just called me. He wants to see me. Do you think I can meet with him while you talk to Rory’s friends?”

He looked surprised for a moment then nodded. “Of course. You go see your cousin. We can meet for lunch?”

“Sounds great. I love you, Gray.”

“Love you too. Thank you for being here to support me. It means more than you can know.”


“He let you take a taxi here?” Travis growled as soon as he opened the door to the cab. He held out a hand, and she took it, letting him help her. “Why didn’t he bring you over himself?”

“Because he’s busy tracking down some friends of Rory’s,” she told him with exasperation. “Besides, I wanted to do this alone.”

Travis gave her a sharp-eyed glance. “You want out? I can get you out. Just give me the word or a signal. Bark like a dog.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic