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This was going to be a long, long brunch.


It was pure hell.

She bit back a groan, glaring at him as the butterfly vibrator turned on, buzzing against her already swollen and over-sensitive clit. It was a combination of pure bliss and complete and utter torture. How she was managing to get through their meal without grabbing that remote from his hand and bopping him over the head with it, she had no idea.

But there really should be some sort of medal for showing such restraint.

Thank God, he’d chosen a restaurant with booths. While there were other booths on either side of them, the sides were high, and they were private.

“You look angry, honey. Something wrong?” The innocent look he gave her wasn’t fooling her. She knew better. She knew he was the devil in disguise. At least he hadn’t insisted she wear those damn balls because as slick as she was down there, she knew there was no way she could have kept them inside her. And that would have been damn embarrassing.

She shifted around in her seat, unable to stop herself. Finally, the buzzing ended, and she trembled, her body overheating, her clit so overloaded with sensation she almost couldn’t bear it.

“You look a little flushed, honey. Like you need cooling down.”

Oh, ha-ha. She just scowled at him. The evil bastard.

He chuckled, nearly choking on the mouthful of orange juice he’d just taken. Served him right, she was suffering, and they hadn’t even received their food yet. How long could she stand this without exploding?

“You’re a mean, mean man,” she told him.

He raised one eyebrow. “And here I was going to offer you some relief.”

She eyed him suspiciously. Relief? What did that mean? Probably not what she thought it did. Not that she really wanted an orgasm right here. She turned to look around her. Even though they were mostly private back there, there were still

other people in the restaurant. And the way she felt right then, any sort of release was going to come with moans of delight not meant for the public’s ears.

He took a sip of his club soda and gave her a wicked smile. Uh-oh.

“Wouldn’t you like some relief, darling?”

Nope. She didn’t trust the way he was looking at her at all. She shook her head.

“Oh, I think you need it. It will cool you down. I’m sure you must be getting overheated down there by now.”

What was he up to? He tipped his glass and grabbed hold of a large piece of ice. Oh, this wasn’t going to be good. Not at all.

He leaned into her, his breath dancing against her skin as he spoke into her ear. “Go to the bathroom with your handbag. Take off the harness and put it in your bag then come back.”

Okay, well that didn’t sound so bad, if a little disappointing that she wasn’t getting any respite for the raging need filling her. She slid out of the booth, but not before he clasped a hand around the back of her head and kissed her, sending her head spinning. When she finally got to her feet, her legs felt like limp noodles.

Maybe she could give herself an orgasm in the bathroom. He’d never know.

“Oh, and Lacey.” He crooked a finger at her, waiting until she leaned over so he could whisper into her ear. “Hurry back. I’m giving you three minutes before I come searching for you. And you better not touch yourself any more than necessary, or there’s going to be hell to pay, understand?”

She nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

He smiled with satisfaction.

She moved as quickly as she could to the bathroom then pulled the harness down and wiped it off before placing it into her handbag. She blushed a little as she realized how wet she was. After cleaning herself up a bit, she exited the bathroom and moved back to the booth, feeling a bit more in control. Now that the butterfly wasn’t attached to her, she’d surely be able to sit next to him with her composure intact.

And that wasn’t disappointment she felt that this little bit of fun was over, was it? What did she expect anyway? That he was going to give her an orgasm in the middle of the restaurant.

She slid into the booth, and he pulled her close. “Did you touch your clit?”

She shook her head, trying to look around to make certain no one could hear him. But he kept her tight against his body.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic