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“You don’t have to. Ex-FBI, remember? I can take care of myself.” Although the last thing she wanted to do was walk out there in the dark. She grew tense just thinking about who could be watching from the shadows.

“I’m sure you can. But if I’m around, you don’t have to.”

Jesus, he was good.

He was out of the car before she could decide whether to protest further. He opened her door and leaned down, holding out his hand. With a slight hesitation, she reached up and grabbed hold, allowing him to pull her up. She stumbled a little, falling into him.

“Sorry,” she muttered, trying to pull back.

But he simply tucked her in tight and led the way to her apartment building. “Don’t be. I’m not.”

She unlocked the outer door. “I really will be okay from here.”

He cupped her cheeks between his hands. The outside of the building had several sensor lights that had come on as they’d approached the door, so she could easily see his face. His gaze was serious, his face stern. “There are a few things we need to get straight. One is that it doesn’t matter how capable or badass you are, I’m still going to protect you.”

She wasn’t a badass by any stretch of the imagination.

“I’m a gentleman. That means I open your car door. I walk you to your door. I check inside your apartment to make certain it’s safe. If you ever feel unsafe, I want to know. Immediately. If you’re in trouble, any sort of trouble whether it’s financial, physical, or emotional, I need to know. If you need something from me and you don’t tell me, then you’re in for a world of trouble.”

She stared at him throughout his speech, feeling her eyes go wide as saucers.

“And I think I’ve already made it clear I can’t stand lies. No doubt I’ve terrified you enough to make you run, but I want to explore these feelings between us, Lacey. I’ve never felt this way, this quickly, about anyone before and I don’t want any misunderstandings between us.”

She searched for what to say, but her brain was on overload. “I-I . . .” Shit. She couldn’t seem to get anything she was thinking out. “I don’t know what to say to any of that.”

“Just say Yes, Sir and then invite me into your apartment.”

“You want to come inside my apartment?”

“I do. Are you going to let me?”

She raised an eyebrow. “What? You mean I get a choice?”

“There’s always a choice, baby. I’m just hoping you make the right one.”

So did she.

She led the way to her apartment, unlocking the door. He stepped inside first, which she thought was odd until she realized that if anyone was inside, they’d have to go through him to get to her. She wasn’t used to having someone protect her. Well, other than her cousins.

She quickly turned off the alarm before shutting the door. The two deadbolts engaged automatically. Gray eyed the deadbolts, nodding his approval. Well, she guessed he did own a business that specialized in security. His place was probably like Fort Knox.

He looked around her apartment. “I’m going to check the rest, okay?”

Before she could agree, he was gone. She rolled her eyes although that warm feeling of safety grew. She glanced around, trying to see her place through his eyes. It looked almost clinical. White walls, beige carpet, and cream-colored sofas that had come with the apartment. A few cheap pieces of art adorned the walls, and she’d put a bright throw over the back of the couch. But other than a TV and a photo of her with her cousins, that was pretty much it. Kind of sad.

“All clear.”

She gasped, startling as he spoke.

“Sorry, honey.” Reaching out, he grasped her arm, steadying her. “I didn’t mean to frighten you.”

“No, it’s okay. I was just thinking.”

“Must have been some heavy stuff to have you so deep in thought.”

“Not really.” She laughed. “Just thinking I’m not going to win any decorating awards anytime soon.”

He glanced around, as though seeing everything for the first time. But she knew that was a show. He noticed everything. “It’s simple. Clean.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic