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Besides, he had to have flaws.

She shifted her gaze to her other boss and immediately wished that she hadn’t. Hunter Black would be an intimidating man in the best of circumstances. Having him glower at her across the table made her heart race faster with nerves.

Calm down, Lacey. You have this. You can do this job.

Hunter pushed his chair back, and she jumped as the legs scrapped along the floor. His scowl deepened at her reaction.

“Jumpy, aren’t you? Why is that?”

She gaped at him. Oh, she didn’t know . . . maybe because he was scaring the shit out of her.

“Hunter, stop it.” The woman who sat between the two men was the only reason she hadn’t stood up and walked out. Between Mr. Perfect, who she was way too interested in for her own liking, and Mr. Grumpy, she was beginning to think this job really wasn’t for her. “You’re being an asshole.”

“If she’s going to work here, she’s got to be tougher than this.”

She straightened her shoulders. You’re making a mess of this. Where’s your backbone? Suddenly, she realized she actually wanted this job. While she might have hated working for the FBI, she loved profiling, she loved working with people. This job would allow her to do both.

“Mr. Black, I’ve worked with a variety of criminals, from murderers to child molesters,” and she hoped to God that one day she could rid herself of some of the nightmares they’d given her, “I’m certain I can work with you.”

“She’s got you there, Hunter,” Mr. Perfect said.

Gray. His name was Gray. He didn’t look like a Gray. He looked more like a Pierre.

Pierre? Oh, good God, Lacey. Pull yourself together.

“Don’t mind him, Lacey. His bark is worse than his bite,” Gray told her with a small smile, inviting her to join him.

Oh, no, she wasn’t taking the bait. She didn’t want anything to do with him. Not friendship, not flirtation, nothing. Not that she thought he’d be interested in her. A man like him would have women falling over themselves to get to him.

She turned away from him to look at Cady and saw him frown from the corner of her eye. Probably wasn’t used to someone turning him down. No doubt he thought she’d fall right under his charm. Maybe he even thought he could get her into his bed.

Not happening, buddy.

“I can do this job. I’m flexible, a hard worker, and I have plenty of experience. You won’t regret hiring me.”

Cady smiled at her. “We’d really love to have you here, Lacey.”

They would? She looked over at Hunter, who still frowned at her. Maybe that was just the way he looked. Maybe it had nothing to do with her.

“I’m not sold on hiring her.”

Okay, then, so it was her.

Lacey forced herself to keep calm. She was used to dealing with her cousins, she could deal with this grumpy bear of a man. Just don’t let him see that he intimidates you.

“Hunter. We’ve discussed this,” Cady hissed.

“She’s hiding something.”

Lacey straightened her shoulders. “No, I’m not.”

“Yes, you are.”

She bit back the urge to retaliate with another juvenile response. But, oh, it was a struggle.

Cady sighed and leaned her elbows on the table. “Hunter, you agreed to give her a chance.”

“I have. I’m here, talking to her aren’t I? I’m telling you she’s hiding something.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic