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“I am?”

“He is?” Cady added, looking surprised.

“We should have consulted you. But we knew you’d use her relationship with Travis to say no.”

“Because he’s an asshole.”

“Face it, Hunter. You would’ve used any excuse you could find not to hire her,” Gray said in a reasonable voice. “But she has the credentials we’ve been looking for, and she can start immediately.”

Hunter looked suspicious. “Why’d she quit?”

Gray’s headache increased in intensity.

“She worked on the Latin Lothario case, then quit right after he was killed. I can’t find anything more about what happened.” None of his contacts would give him any details.

“So, she can’t hack it at the FBI but she’s good enough to work here?”

“We don’t know she couldn’t hack it. All we know is she quit suddenly. That case had to be a tough one, and she’s not going to be working cases like that for us. Come on, Hunter. You know you hate the FBI. You must feel some sympathy for her.”

“I hate the CIA more,” he muttered.

“That guy was a complete dipshit,” Cady said bluntly. “I know you have a thing against having women work here, but she’s the best fit for the job.”

He frowned down at Cady. “I don’t like it. But, I’ll reserve judgement until I meet her. However, you,” he pointed at Cady, “are in trouble.”

“Oh, yeah?” she challenged.

“Yes. You kept this from me. That’s not allowed. You spoke to that asshole behind my back. That’s not allowed. Your ass is mine tonight.”

She snorted. “You going to spank Gray as well since he kept this from you too?”

“Hell, no.” He scowled over at Gray, clearly still upset. “But he’ll pay. When he least expects it.”

Wonderful. This day kept getting better and better.


“And you know nothing about the job? Travis just arranged it all?”

Lacey looked over at Indie as she unpacked her suitcase. She’d packed light since she still wasn’t certain she had the job. Travis had seemed pretty confident, but from what she’d heard about this Hunter Black, he wasn’t an easy man. So, until she knew for certain, she wouldn’t be sending for the rest of her stuff even though she’d packed it up and given up the lease on her place. She didn’t want to live there anymore, anyway. Too many bad memories. “Yep.”

“You’re a braver person than me.”

Somehow, she doubted that. Lacey ju

st hoped she didn’t wake Indie up with her nightmares while she was here. She was only having one or two a week now at least.

“If I don’t like them or the job then I’ll just look for something else.” She hung a few outfits in the closet of Indie’s spare bedroom. She’d decide what to wear in the morning. “Thanks for letting me stay.”

“No problem. I’ve missed you.”

Lacey gave her a smile. “Me too.”

“And if you take this job we can see each other all the time. You could even move in here if you want.”

That actually tempted her. Maybe she’d feel safer if she lived with someone else. But she’d grown used to being alone and even though she loved Indie, living with her again might be more than their friendship could handle.

“Thanks, but I’ve grown used to my own space. I’d probably drive you nuts now.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic