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“It’s a woman,” he said, surprised. He hadn’t considered that angle. “Do you know her?”

“Oh, we know her,” Roarke said grimly. “She damn well works for me.”

“It’s Maddy,” Reagan told him. “The club’s receptionist. She said she had an emergency.”

“You have a run-in with her?” Tiny asked her, drawing her onto his lap. The others stepped back. Roarke was furious, his whole body tense, as he leaned back against the wall. Sam leaned into him, obviously trying to comfort him.

“No.” Reagan looked up at him, bewildered. “I’ve barely spoken to her, other than to say hello.”

“How would she get a key to your apartment?” Tara asked.

“Where do you put your key when you’re at the club?” Tiny asked.

“In my locker.”

He turned to Roarke. “You got cameras in there?”

Roarke shook his head. “No, apparently, I’m not allowed to put cameras in changing rooms. I tried.”

Damn. Tiny strummed his fingers against his thigh.

“But there’s a camera on the door. You can see who goes in and out,” Sam pointed out. “And Maddy has access to the spare keys for the locker room. She could grab one, go into the women’s room when Reagan was busy and take her key.”

“But my key never went missing while I was at the club,” Reagan pointed out.

“No,” Alex replied. “But you can get a mobile service to come out and cut a key. They could’ve been waiting

in the parking lot.”

“We need to check the cameras at the club,” Jack said.

Roarke nodded grimly.

“Can anyone else think of a reason she’d do this?” Jack asked. “Would she be jealous of Reagan? Mad at her for some reason?”

“I can’t think of anything,” Reagan told him. “I don’t understand it at all.”

Chapter Eleven

“There. There she is,” Sam said.

Van, Roarke’s head of security, rewound the camera feed. They’d been searching through the camera feeds for the last two hours, trying to work out when Maddy might have taken Reagan’s key. It helped that Reagan only came to the club on Saturday nights. They’d begun with the Saturday prior to the first break-in and were working their way backward. They couldn’t get footage of Maddy actually taking the key, but they might spot her leaving with it.

“Has she got something in her hand?” Roarke asked.

“Can’t tell,” Van said with frustration.

“I don’t think this is doing us any good.” Jack stretched. “I’m going to bring her in and question her. I’ll soon figure out why she’s doing this.”

Tiny glanced over at Reagan who sat on a small sofa in the security room. Tara sat beside her. She looked pale and listless. All he wanted was to get her home and comfort her. There were still loose ends to tie up, but nothing he could do tonight. That was up to Jack. He needed to focus on Reagan.

Tiny stood and strode over to Reagan then bent and picked her up, cradling her against his chest. She gasped slightly.

“I’m taking Reagan home.”

Alex helped Tara up, supporting her as she swayed. They said their good nights then he carried Reagan out to her car.

Once they were back in her apartment, he reset the alarm then taking hold of her hand, pulled her into the bathroom.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic