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This couldn’t continue on. She constantly felt on edge, waiting for something bad to happen. Add to that, her feelings for Tiny, and she was a mess of emotions.

Other than those few kisses, he hadn’t made a real move on her. Oh, he touched her. At night he would pull her against him on the sofa. The first time he’d done that she hadn’t been certain how to react. So she’d sat there, stiff as a board until she couldn’t hold out any longer and had relaxed against him. Now it was their ritual every night to snuggle up on the sofa in front of the T.V. She didn’t usually watch much television, but she’d watch whatever she had to if it meant spending time tucked up against Tiny.

But he hadn’t gone any further than that. Was it because of her?

“I thought he wanted me.”

Tara raised her eyebrows. “Umm, any idiot can see that he does.”

“Are you calling me an idiot?”

“No. I’m saying he definitely wants you.”

“Then why doesn’t he make a move?”

Tara bit her lip. “Maybe he’s waiting for you. Maybe he doesn’t want to push you because of everything that’s going on?”

“I suppose that could be right. Unless I have misunderstood his feelings for me. He is pretending to be my boyfriend, perhaps I have misread signals.”

Tara raised her eyebrows. “So he’s only affectionate in front of other people?”

She frowned. “No. He has kissed me when we are alone. And he touches me often. But it never goes any further. Oh, he’s also threatened to spank me.”

Tara brightened. “That’s a good sign. But if you want things to move faster, then you should make a move.”

“I just thought he would make the first move.” Most of the Doms she’d dealt with were pushier. They wouldn’t have held back. But then, they also wouldn’t have been half as patient with her. “I’m going to make a move.”


“There’s one other thing.”

“What’s that?”

“What if I can’t submit to him?” It was a very real worry. She’d never truly submitted to a Dom. She found it hard to completely let go. “I don’t want to disappoint him, but I don’t know if I can let him dominate me.”

Tara burst into laughter. “You think he hasn’t been dominating you this entire time?”

“What do you mean?” she asked in confusion.

“Have you been working as many hours as you used to?”

Well, no, but it wouldn’t have been fair to make him stay at the office for too long. “No, I suppose not.” Even now, when she was working from home, she didn’t work long hours like she used to. After all, there were much more interesting things to do.

“And how often have you skipped meals since he moved in?”

Reagan frowned, not sure where Tara was going with all of this. “Tiny is a really good cook. You know that. You ate three of his lemon honey muffins the other day.”

Tara blushed. “They were good. That man is a great baker. But my point is that he’s dominating you, you just haven’t noticed.”

He had been?

“Not all Doms pound on their chests and declare ‘me Dom, you sub, get on your knees, and suck me off’. Some Doms are subtler, doesn’t make them any less dominant.”

No? Now that Tara pointed it out, she guessed he had been topping her without her even noticing. Clever. Very clever. And sneaky.

She admired that.

“Why don’t you take him to the club this weekend? Push him a little. I’m betting that beneath his calm exterior is the beating heart of a majorly possessive Dom.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic