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“I am not a victim.”

His lips twitched. “No. My apologies.”

She nodded regally. Fuck, what was it about her that had him wanting to pull her onto his lap and kiss that frown right off her face? She wasn’t at all his type. She was too beautiful. Too smart. Out of his league.

Stupid fucking idiot.

He pushed aside his father’s voice. The asshole had no hold on him now.

“I can’t get all the cameras up today. Can you stay somewhere else tonight?”

“Nope. I’m staying here. I stayed at Alex and Tara’s for the last two nights. And I hated it.”

Alex rolled his eyes, but Tara just giggled.

“Sorry.” Reagan blushed. “I didn’t mean that the way it sounded. I enjoyed the movies and ice cream, and I’m relieved we didn’t have to have a pillow fight.”

Pillow fight?

“We had a girls’ night,” Tara explained.

“From what I’d read of girls’ nights, most of the time they evolved into a pillow fight.” Reagan shrugged. “Most of those books were about teenagers, however. Tara tells me adults don’t have pillow fights, they drink tequila shots. Anyway, the tequila shots were… interesting. But I’m staying here tonight.”

“Then I’m staying with you.”

Oh no. No, he wasn’t. Not happening.

She shook her head. He nodded.

She gave him a firm look. She wouldn’t be swayed. He merely raised one eyebrow. It was an annoying habit of his. No doubt it drove his girlfriend insane.

“Don’t you have to get home to your girlfriend?” Something surged inside her, and she realized it was jealousy. Had she ever been jealous before?

“No. I was going to stay in a hotel. No difference if I stay here.”

“But it makes all the difference to me. I—”

“Sorry to interrupt,” Alex said dryly.

He didn’t look very sorry if his smile was any indication.

“I have to get going. Reagan, you are welcome to come and stay with us. If you need anything, call me. I expect to be obeyed in this.” He pointed at her as he said this. Reagan sighed. Why did everyone seem to think they could boss her around? Was it because she was a submissive? But Alex had never been this bossy before, except at Club Decadence, that is.

Tara hugged her. She forced herself not to stiffen up. She still wasn’t used to spontaneous displays of affection.

“Are you okay here with him?” Tara whispered. “I can stay.”

She would be fine. She could handle Tiny. So she nodded at Tara and stepped back.

“You’re not staying,” she told Tiny firmly once they’d left. “This is my apartment. My rules.”

“It’s not safe.”

“It’s been perfectly safe up until now. What makes you think tonight is going to be any different? This asshole has never broken in before while I’ve been home. I’ve changed the locks and the alarm code. Now, just do what you’ve got to do. I have work to do.”

She turned away. There. She’d been firm but polite.

And as far as she was concerned that settled that.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic