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He looked her up and down, letting a little of his admiration slip through. “No. You are not.”

She shifted her weight from foot to foot, feeling uncertain. “I don’t have to do what you say.”

He simply raised an eyebrow, then he looked over at Alex. “Keep her here.”

Her mouth gaped open as he left. He didn’t crack a smile until he had the door safely closed, and he was out of firing range. He heard her scream then.

Little woman had a temper on her.

Damn, he really did like her.

Chapter Three

“Can you believe the nerve of him? Who does he think he is? He works for me. He doesn’t get to order me around.” Although she’d been more taken aback than annoyed. And that surprised her. Normally, she would’ve chased after him and given him a tongue-lashing before firing him.

Instead, here she stood. Doing exactly as he’d told her to do.

It was that thought which had her moving toward the door. He did not get to tell her what to do. No matter how cute his smile was.

“No, you don’t.” Alex slid between her and the door.

“Get out of my way. I want to talk to Donald.”

“If he’s the one doing this then it might not be safe to be around him,” Tara told her.

Reagan snorted. “Tiny will be there. Do you really think he’s going to let anyone hurt me?” The words were out before she could take them back.

“No, I don’t. Although, I’m kind of surprised you realize that.”

“He’s a security expert. He was a Marine.” She’d researched all of Black-Gray Investigations employees.

“How do you know that?” Tara asked suspiciously.

Reagan shrugged.

“You hacked into their system, didn’t you? I thought you were going to stop hacking into restricted databases.” Tara gave her an exasperated look.

“What?” Alex asked, his face thunderous. “You’ve been hacking into secure databases?”

Reagan glared at Tara.

“Sorry,” Tara apologized with a grimace.

“And you never told me?” Alex turned to Tara. His frown was fierce.

“Because I made her promise not to. Do you want Tara to be the sort of woman who breaks promises?” Reagan glared up at him, not liking the way he stared at her friend.

“I want her to be the sort of person who doesn’t hold onto secrets that could get her into trouble. Hacking is illegal, Reagan.”

Reagan ran her hand through her hair. Really, she had more important things to worry about right now. “If they didn’t want me to hack into them, then they should have made them more secure.” It made perfect sense to her. “Why are we speaking about this now? I’m going after Tiny.”

“No.” Alex shook his head. “You’re not.” He turned his frosty gaze down at her. “The two of you are going to sit on the sofa and wait. You’d just get in Tiny’s way.”

“Come on, he’s not going to let you past him.” Tara tugged on her arm.

“This is happening to me, you know.”

“I know. But you know how protective Doms can be.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic