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“There must be something you think I need to improve. My thighs are chubby.”

His gaze narrowed in warning.

“My tummy isn’t flat.”

He growled.

“My hips are too wide.”

“None of that now,” he murmured. “Or I might have to spank you.” He spun around and carried her over to the small sofa which creaked under his weight. He flipped her over so she was facedown on his lap.


“Dylan, no,” she cried out, just before his hand descended on her ass.

“Got anything else to add to that nonsense you just spouted off?” he asked.

She peered over her shoulder and saw his hand poised to strike.

“Umm, no, I’m good.”

He gave her two heavy smacks.

“Ow! What was that for?”

“You are better than good.” He continued to spank her. “You’re gorgeous, beautiful, smart, sweet and sexy.”

Dylan rolled her over so she was sitting on his lap. He tucked her in against his chest. “I don’t like you talking down about yourself, Tilly.”

“Yeah, I kind of figured that,” she said dryly, reaching back to rub her stinging ass.

“I want you to see yourself the way I see you.”

“That could take a while. I haven’t liked what I’ve seen for a long, long time.” Javier had ground her self-esteem into dust so she wouldn’t challenge him. So she would believe that she was worthless. It had been hard to claw back some self-confidence and there were still issues she was dealing with.

“Then that’s something we’ll work on, won’t we?”

Tilly nodded, feeling a bit embarrassed and uncomfortable. Did he really think she was beautiful? She ran her fingers over his chest. “It’s just hard to believe that you want me, you know? It feels like a bit of a dream.”

“It’s no dream, sweetheart. I’ve wanted you for a long time. I didn’t ask you out, expecting that you would immediately fall into bed with me. And I can tell you now that our first time together will definitely not be happening in the club. But while we are dating I expect that you’ll only be with me and that includes at the club, understand?”

She nodded, still in a state of disbelief. “Yes, Sir.”

A smile turned the corner of his mouth up. “I’ll pick you up Saturday night at eight. Wear that red corset with the short, black leather skirt.”

He gave her a long, scorching kiss before placing her on the sofa and standing. “I had a great night, Tilly.”

“Me too.”

“Good, I’m glad. I’ll call you tomorrow. Make sure you lock up behind me.”

She walked him to the door, shutting it behind him. Then she leaned against the wall for support, her legs like jelly. Wow. A knock on the door made her jump in fright, her heart racing.

“Lock the door, Tilly,” h

e ordered.

Safe in the knowledge that he couldn’t see her, she rolled her eyes.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic