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Miller was going to owe her big time for this.

A door off to the side of the room opened and another man walked in. He wasn’t as tall or wide as Dylan, but there was something about him that caught her attention. Whether it was his dark eyes or the cold look on his face, Tilly just knew that this was a man you shouldn’t cross. Ever.

She resisted the urge to take a step back. Dylan wouldn’t have brought her here if it wasn’t safe. She glanced up at him, but he was staring at the other man intently. Dylan stepped forward and held out his hand.

“Rogan.” There was an odd note to Dylan’s voice. She couldn’t quite pinpoint it. Regret? Relief?

Rogan shook his hand. “Dylan. It’s good to see you.”

“Thanks for helping us. I appreciate it.” He turned to look at her. “This is Tilly. Tilly, my old friend, Rogan.”

She took a few steps forward and held out her hand. Rogan stared at it for a moment then he clasped hold. She’d expected his hand to be cold and hard. Instead, he was warm.

Rogan moved over and opened a cabinet door. He grabbed a bottle and two glasses. He looked over at Tilly then to Dylan.

“Want a drink, a mhuirnín?” Dylan asked.

Tilly cleared her throat. “No, thanks,” she said. Her stomach was tied in knots.

After Rogan had poured the drinks, they all sat. Tilly stared at the two men as they took a sip of their drinks. Urgency beat at her. Why were they sitting around sipping on scotch while Miller was in danger? Shouldn’t they be doing something?

“Umm, shouldn’t we be searching for Miller?” she asked.

“I’ve made a few calls,” Rogan said, glancing at his watch. “And Aedan should be here soon, I thought it would be easier to wait for him rather than have to go through things twice.”

Calls? To who? And who was Aedan?

Even though it near killed her to sit here in this large, luxurious house while Miller could be freezing, scared and hungry, Tilly didn’t have much choice. She didn’t know what to do. She was completely out of her depth.

As if sensing her disquiet, Dylan drew her into his side, placing a heavy arm over her shoulders. The door behind them opened and she turned to see another man enter. Her breath caught in her throat as he strode toward them. He was striking. Probably the most gorgeous man she had ever seen.

Rogan was attractive but rather cold. She’d once seen a documentary about the blue-ringed octopus. The octopus was mesmerizing, but its venom was strong enough to kill a human. It would pounce on its prey, paralyze them, then tear off pieces with its beak. Rogan reminded her of that octopus.

The stunning man walking towards them could have fallen from the sky. Except the devilish grin on his face indicated there was nothing angelic about him.

“Dylan.” The man stepped toward Dylan, who stood. “How are you?”

“Aedan. I’m good, my friend.” They hugged each other, clapping the other’s back as men liked to do. Aedan stepped back and clasped hold of Dylan’s shoulders. He was actually taller than Dylan but had a much slimmer build. “Damn, it’s good to see you. It’s been too long.”

Aedan let out a laugh. “Nice haircut.”

Dylan ran his hand over his closely-shaved head. “Courtesy of the U.S. Marines.”

“You’ve been out for years.”

“Yeah, but when it grew back I discovered I had a receding hairline. Not all of us have the funds to spend a fortune on hair products.”

Aedan grimaced.

“He spends so much on hair products that he ended up investing in the company,” Rogan said.

Aedan sniffed. “And it made me a tidy profit.”

“Everything you touch makes you a profit,” Dylan said dryly, sitting back next to her. “Aedan has the Midas touch,” he told Tilly. “Tilly, meet Aedan—”

“Blake. I know. I’ve seen all of your movies.” He’d starred in a number of romantic comedies.

“Ahh, I’ve given all that up to live a simpler life,” he said. Bending down, he held out his hand. She placed her hand in his but instead of shaking it, he brought it to his lips.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic