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Tilly took a deep breath. “You’re right. I’m sorry I went a bit crazy.”

“Go get changed and pack a bag,” he told her calmly. “Pack enough for a week just in case. Don’t forget your phone and the charger.”

“Wait, what?” She gazed at him in confusion.

“I need to make some phone calls and stop quickly at my place to grab some stuff, but we should make it to San Antonio in a couple of hours.”

Tilly shook her head. “I don’t expect you to come with me. This is too dangerous.”

His disbelief was clear. “Do you seriously expect me to just wave goodbye as you go head to head with the Vipers? What kind of man do you think I am? You don’t know that world, Tilly. You wouldn’t survive five minutes before you found yourself locked in a room, servicing man after man, shot high on drugs.”

“This is my problem,” she insisted. “Just because we’ve been on a few dates and we’ve played together doesn’t make you responsible for me. And what makes you think you’d fare any better than me?”

His face grew cold and she immediately regretted her words. “Hello! Marine. Remember? I’m not a five-foot-nothing butterfly.”

She narrowed her gaze. “Isn’t that a bit sexist?”

“It has nothing to do with sex and everything to do with experience and expertise.”

“I’ll call my brothers. They’ll help me.”

“You’re willing to wait for them? Do they know San Antonio well? Are they familiar with the Vipers?”

Tilly swallowed. “No.”

“I grew up in San Antonio. I have friends there who could help us. You need to let me help you. I cannot sit by and let you head into a dangerous situation. Understand?”

She did. Dylan was protective and honorable. She was an idiot to think he’d just sit by and let her walk into this alone.

“Okay. You can come with me and help,” she said.

“No, that’s not the way things are going to work,” he said in a soft voice. “I want you to promise that you will do everything I say. I can’t do this while I’m worrying about you. I need to know that you will follow my lead. The most important thing to me is keeping you safe. If it comes down to a choice between keeping you safe and helping your friend, I will choose you every time. Promise me.”

She knew she was in over her head and she didn’t want to risk Dylan or Miller’s safety. “Okay, I promise.”

Tilly raced around her apartment and grabbed some stuff as Dylan talked quietly into his phone. His shoulders were stiff, his face stern as he paced up and down her small living room. She didn’t want to eavesdrop so she hung back until he was finished.

“I’m packed.”

Dylan nodded, and placing a possessive hand on the small of her back, he steered her outside, making sure she locked up first. She loved the way he kept her close as they walked, keeping one hand on her at all times. It made her feel safe and protected and she really needed that right now.


Dylan was silent as he drove to his house. He’d left San Antonio when he was seventeen and he hadn’t been back since. He never imagined returning under these circumstances.

He glanced down at his phone, but it remained silent. He’d left messages with both Rogan and Aedan. He wasn’t sure whether they would return his calls, but they were his best shot at finding Tilly’s friend. Things would have changed in the fifteen years since he’d lived in San Antonio. He knew he certainly had. Eight of those years, he’d spent in the Marines. While he was in the service, he’d discovered BDSM. After leaving the service, he’d settled in Austin and joined Club Decadence. When the previous manager had quit, Roarke had offered him the job and he’d jumped at the chance.

Turning into his driveway, he used the remote to open the automatic garage door. After parking in the garage, he jumped out of the car and ran around to open Tilly’s door.

Tilly followed him silently through his house to the living room.

“I’ll just grab some stuff,” he said gruffly. “Get a drink or something to eat if you want.”

He was still smarting from her earlier comment that a few dates didn’t mean anything. She was right, they hadn’t made a commitment. But in his heart, Tilly was his.

When he walked back into the living room he found her sitting on the sofa, just staring at the wall.

“Tilly? Tilly, are you okay?”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic