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Tara wanted to know that herself.

“I had spyware installed on the computers to catch anyone accessing information they shouldn’t be. I also got cameras installed in these offices without your knowledge. It’s over, Eloise. I’ve called the cops.”

Crap! That was going to send her right over the edge.

“Why the hell did you tell her that?” Tara hissed.

Eloise glared at Tim before turning back to her. “Guess I’ve got nothing to lose now, do I?”

Tara gulped.

“Put that gun down,” a cold voice said.

“Alex?” Tara held her shaking hands out from her body, not wanting to startle Eloise. She longed to turn and look at Alex but she didn’t dare move.

Someone moved up next to her and she quickly glanced over to see Alex standing there. There was movement on her other side and Sloan appeared. What the hell was he doing here?

“Eloise, put the gun away, you’re not leaving here,” Tim said calmly.

“You bastard, I can’t believe you set me up like this.”

Her and Eloise both.

Tara noticed that Tim didn’t move from where he stood in the office doorway. Ass.

“Don’t move,” Eloise said sharply as Sloan took a step closer to her.

“You guys need to step back,” Tara told them, the last thing she wanted was for the two of them to get hurt.

“I’m not moving anywhere, sugar,” Sloan said. “Eloise, is it? Just put the gun down like a good girl and no one needs to get hurt.”

Eloise’s eyes narrowed. “I’m leaving and no one is going to stop me.”

“Like hell. Did you really think you could get away with it, Eloise?” Tim asked.

“Shut up, Tim,” Tara snarled.

“Tara, be quiet,” Alex snapped.

Tara resisted the urge to glare at him. There was no need snap at her! She hadn’t caused any of this.

“This isn’t my fault,” she muttered.

“We’ll talk about it later. Now be quiet unless you want me to gag you every night for the next month.”

Tara pressed her lips closed, grimacing in annoyance. He had no right to boss her around, especially since she’d ended things with him.

“All of you shut up!” Eloise screeched and Tara jumped.

Tara’s breath came in short, fast pants. She couldn’t take much more. She’d been mugged and she’d kept her cool. Her apartment had been ransacked and she hadn’t broken down. But this was too much.

A sob broke free.

“Easy, baby,” Alex said in a low voice. “We got this. Sloan, now.”

There was a blur of movement. Sloan slammed into her. A gun shot deafened her. Fiery pain erupted in her arm as she fell to the ground with a thud, Sloan’s large body covering her from head to toe. There was a loud grunt and a high-pitched screech.

What the hell was going on?

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