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Sam grinned and winked. “Trouble? Me? I’ll be a perfect angel.”

Roarke gave him a stern look but Alex saw the amusement in his eyes. Alex followed him into Dylan’s office.

“You’re growing soft in your old age,” Alex said to the other man.

Roarke smiled as he poured out two drinks and handed one to Alex, who sat on an armchair. Roarke took a seat on the sofa.

“I’m happy. Sure, I was happy when it was just Sam and me. But Ava added the icing on the cake and now we have a baby on the way; well, life couldn’t get much better.”

Alex ignored the stab of envy, telling himself that he didn’t want that life. He was happy alone. Being involved with someone just led to pain and he refused to go through that again.

He took a sip of his drink. “You deserve it, old friend.” Roarke had his own demons he’d had to overcome to find happiness with Ava and Sam.

“How is Ava?” Alex asked.

“She’s tired. We left her sleeping. I want to get back to her soon. First, though, I want to talk to you about Tara.”

“What about her?”

“It’s obvious you care about her, Alex. Sloan likes to stir things up, but he never bothered you until he showed an interest in Tara. Some of the club members have told me that they’re reluctant to play with Tara because they feel like they’re stepping on your toes.”

Alex narrowed his gaze at Roarke. “I’ve never made a claim on her. She’s free to play with whoever she chooses.”

“So why did you nearly hit Sloan?”

“Because he’s a smart-mouthed asshole.” Alex finished off his drink and stood. He didn’t need the lecture. He opened the office door. “I need to get back out there.”

Roarke stood as well. “Alex, don’t let what happened with your ex color your feelings toward Tara. She’s not Simone. Tara is a sweet, loving person. It’s not fair to compare her to your ex-wife. If you don’t want her, then let her find someone else who does.”

“I’m not standing in her way,” Alex said stiffly, turning back to look at Roarke. “I’ve never said anything to Tara to make her assume otherwise.”

“I’m sure you haven’t. But everyone sees the way you stare at her. It’s the same way she watches you. Like you’re starving for her. No one wants to come between the two of you.”

Alex sighed. “Fine, I’ll stop staring at her. Are you happy now?”

“No,” Roarke said quietly. “I’d be much happier if you stopped being an idiot and went after what you wanted. I just want you both to be happy. You’re the Dom, take charge and make the first move.”

“Actually, Tara already made the first move.”

It might have been petty, but he couldn’t help but take pleasure in Roarke’s surprise.

“And? What happened?”

“It’s none of your business.” The memory of her devastated eyes still haunted him. He’d been unable to sleep that night, playing the conversation over in his head; the memory of her trembling voice as she’d told him that she cared about him. She’d asked him out for coffee and he’d rewarded her bravery by turning her down flat. Oh, he’d tried to do it kindly, but was there any way to reject someone without hurting them?

“Christ, you turned her down, didn’t you? It must have taken her weeks to work up the guts to ask you and you rejected her.” Roarke’s voice held a hint of censure and Alex had to take a deep breath before he spoke, certain he’d say something he would regret.

What was wrong with him? He had exceptional control over his temper. Even when he’d discovered that his ex-wife was cheating on him he’d remained calm and collected.

When it came to Tara, his control became frayed around the edges.

“Tara is looking for commitment. I can’t give that to her.” He wasn’t looking for a relationship.

“Proposed, did she?”

Alex sent him an exasperated look. “Of course not. But Tara isn’t a one-night stand, she deserves more.”

“For God’s sake, Alex, you’ve got to at least date a person before you dump them. Don’t you think you were jumping the gun?”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic