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“I know,” he said, brushing her hands away. “But I want to do it.”

She let go of him. If she hadn’t been so tired she might have put up more of a protest. But then again, maybe not. It was kind of nice to have someone look after her.

He reached into a drawer and pulled out a large t-shirt, slipping it on over her head. She climbed into bed with a sigh. Alex tucked the covers around her before removing his clothes. Tara could barely keep her eyes open to watch, a sign of just how tired she was. Still, she managed to get a glimpse of his firm stomach and wide shoulders before her eyelids dropped down.

The bed dipped as he climbed in. He pulled her close, holding her tight against his body. She placed an arm over his stomach, snuggling in.

“I want you to stay home tomorrow,” he t

old her. “Get some sleep, laze around.”

Tara yawned. “Can’t,” she mumbled.

“I’m sure your boss will understand given the circumstances.”

She snorted. “A hurricane could hit the city and Tim would still expect me to come in. I’ll be lucky if he doesn’t fire me for losing his cell phone.”

Alex stiffened beneath her. “You didn’t lose it. You were robbed.”

“Let’s hope Tim sees it that way. He’s not particularly easy going.”

“Well, he’d better see it that way,” Alex said grimly. “I’ll make sure of that.”

As she drifted off, Tara thought to herself how nice it was to have someone take care of her. She was also glad there was no way Alex and Tim would ever meet.


Alex woke as he was elbowed in the side. A flying hand caught him in the nose and he rolled to his side quickly.

“Tara, what the hell,” he said before he realized she was in the midst of a nightmare.

“No, no, just take it,” she cried out.

Shit. She must be dreaming about the robbery. He knew she had to be more upset than she’d let on.

“Tara, wake up.”

She started to cry and his heart broke.

He shook her. “Tara, wake up now,” he said firmly, expecting instant obedience.

He had to smile wryly as she went instantly floppy, falling into a deeper sleep. Even in her sleep she defied him. What was he going to do with her? She should have called him as soon as she’d gotten safely back to where she worked. Instead, Rob told him she’d been planning to walk back to the bus stop.

Why the hell would she walk to the bus stop late at night instead of taking a taxi? It hit him then and he felt like a complete idiot. She’d been robbed. That asshole had taken her cash and credit cards. Still, he was sure Rob would have lent her the money. But did she have the money to pay him back? He frowned, thinking about where she lived. How come she lived in such a crappy apartment when she worked such long hours? Was her boss taking advantage of her?

Tomorrow he’d been laying down the law with the lovely Tara. She was independent and strong and he didn’t want to change her. But he would be instigating some rules for her to follow.

Chapter Six

Tara glanced over at Alex nervously as he drove her to work the next morning.

“You really didn’t have to bring me to work.” She yawned. Man, she was exhausted.

“Yes¸ I did.”

Damn, she hoped he didn’t insist on walking her in. The last thing she wanted was for him to meet Tim. Alex had wanted to talk to her this morning about their contract, the one she still hadn’t signed, but there hadn’t been enough time. That conversation would have to wait for tonight.

“Just pull up in front and drop me off,” she suggested in what she hoped was a casual voice.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic