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“Oh, Ben, I’m sorry.” She knew Ben would be heartbroken. He and Chris had been seeing each other for six months. She had to admit to feeling a bit relieved, she’d only met Chris once, but she hadn’t been too impressed. He seemed intense and a bit possessive. But Ben had really liked him. “Why don’t I come up for a visit?”

She didn’t know how she’d get the time off, or afford the trip at the moment, but if Ben needed her then she’d be there. The two of them only had each other.

“No, I’m fine, really. I’ve got a major assignment due and I should be studying. I’m just feeling a bit sorry for myself.”

“What happened?”

“He was getting really jealous. I couldn’t talk to another man without him flying off the handle so I had to break it off with him.”

“Sounds like you’re better off.”

“Yeah, I know. Like I said, I’m just feeling sorry for myself.”

They chatted for a while before hanging up. With a sigh, she curled up in the corner of her sofa and sipped on her coffee. She should to go to the store and buy some food, but she really didn’t feel like doing anything except vegging out and reading a book.

Her cell phone rang again and she picked it up, smiling as she saw who was calling.

“Ava, how are you feeling?” she said.

“Bored, bored, bored,” Ava replied. Roarke and Sam’s wife was pregnant with her first child and she was having a tough time with her pregnancy.

Tara chuckled.

“I’m sick of wallowing around the house, so I’m hoping that you’ll be up for coming over and having a few non-alcoholic drinks out by the pool. Max will pick you up and drop you home.” Max was Roarke’s driver.

“That sounds fantastic, I’ll be ready.”


Tara sat back with a laugh. There was nothing like being with your friends to make all your problems fade away. At least for a while. She looked around the table. Tilly sat to her left. She was laughing at a story McKenna, Ava’s good friend, was telling.

Beside McKenna sat Jacey. Jacey was married to Derrick, who was a member of Club Decadence. He was gorgeous and rich, with a sexy British accent. He was also totally in love with his petite wife.

Jacey stood and moved around the table, refilling everyone’s glasses. Holly smiled up at Jacey. Holly was happily married to Brax Jamieson. Brax and Holly didn’t live in Austin but they often came to visit. Holly covered a yawn with her hand. She looked so tired, poor thing. Wyatt, her eight-week old baby, was keeping his parents up late at night.

Tara thanked Jacey as she refilled her glass.

“I’m so glad you guys came today,” Ava said. “I’ve been s

o bored.” Ava’s pregnancy was really taking a toll on her; she had high blood pressure and insomnia. And she still had another four months to go.

“Are you feeling better, Tara?” Tilly asked as she stared at the table laden down with delicious food.

“You haven’t been feeling well, Tara?” Ava asked.

“She fainted at the club last night,” Jacey replied. Jacey’s husband, Derrick was the friend who had paid for the alarm system in Tara’s apartment. He’d brought her home one night from the club and had been troubled by the neighborhood she lived in. He had insisted on putting in an alarm system in to try and keep her safe. This was before he’d met Jacey.

“How did you hear that?” Tara asked. “I didn’t see you and Derrick at the club last night.”

“Come on, you know what bad gossips Doms are. Roarke told Derrick.”

“Well he didn’t tell me,” Ava said indignantly. “Neither did Sam.”

“They didn’t tell you because they didn’t want you to worry,” Tara said gently. “But there’s no need to worry, I’m fine. My blood sugar levels were low, that’s all.”

Tilly sent her a sceptical look but didn’t say anything.

“Roarke has become so overprotective,” Ava lamented. “And Sam is even joining in. I don’t know how I’m going to last another four months.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic