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She shook her head. “I don’t know. I’ve been on high alert since I got this, watching everyone around me, I can’t spot him.”

“He knows you’ll be watching for him now,” Jaron said.

“Got any old boyfriends? Anyone you might have turned down?” Curt asked.

“No, no one, well…”

“Well what?” Hunter growled.

“One of the reasons I wanted to leave Austin is because of this guy, Sean. He volunteered at one of the shelters. He came on to me, wouldn’t take no for an answer. I had to get forceful with him. But he didn’t take the hint. I never went back to that shelter, but I’d still see him around, watching me. It creeped me out.”

Hunter swore. “You didn’t think to tell me this?”

“It was before I came here. I thought it was taken care of. It might not even be him, how would he know I was in Austin?”

“You haven’t kept a completely low profile,” Josh pointed out, looking concerned. “You were in the papers and on the news after you took on the Cowboy Adonis.”

“Oh shit.” She felt sick.

Hunter stood, pacing. “So either this guy or someone else has been stalking you, taking photos.”

“They’re not happy with you being with Hunter,” Gray said, looking over the photos. “Every photo with him in it has his face scratched out.”

“You don’t think Hunter could be in danger, do you?”

Hunter stopped pacing, turning to stare at her. “I’d worry less about me and more about your own butt.”

“The name of the place where he got these printed is on the back, I’ll go check this place out, see if anyone remembers anything,” Jaron said, taking the photo of Cady standing in the window of her apartment with just a towel round her.

“Hey, why are you taking that one?” she protested.

“Because that’s a photo someone would remember.” He winked at her and Hunter growled.

She watched him warily.

“From now on, you don’t go anywhere without me, got it?” Hunter snarled.

“And backup,” Gray said smoothly. “Don’t worry, Cady, he’s not going to get anywhere near you.”

“And Hunter, you’ll protect him too,” she insisted.

Gray nodded. “And Hunter. Tiny, Curt, go to Cady’s apartment, see if you can figure out what angle he’s taking some of these photos from. See if you can find anything else of interest. Put in some extra security.”

Gray turned to them. “Hunter, take Cady home to your place. Both of you are exhausted. Josh will go with you.”

“I’m perfectly capable of protecting Cady myself,” Hunter growled.

“But this way you can both get some sleep, knowing Josh has your back. Don’t argue with me, Hunter. We’re running this as we would any job and I’m in charge.”

Hunter leaned down on the desk, staring at his partner. Tension rose in the room and Cady felt sure they were going to come to blows then Hunter stood up and nodded his head. He held his hand out to Cady.


Cady stepped out of the bathroom into their bedroom. Hunter had barely said two words to her since they’d left the office. When they’d arrived at his house, he and Josh had searched the place from top to bottom, looking for any sign that this guy had been here. She hadn’t even thought of that, that he might have invaded their living space.

Exhaustion now weighed her down, making her limbs heavy as she sat on the side of the bed and brushed her hair.

Hunter stepped into the bedroom, closing the door behind him. “Josh is staying the night. I’m going to take a shower.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic