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“Damn, you’re really good at this guilt stuff.”

“I’m not trying to make you feel guilty. I have no doubt that Hunter said some stupid things. But don’t judge him until you know him better. If he offered you a job at Black-Gray Investigations then you have a job.”

“But you didn’t know he was offering me a job, did you?”

Gray grinned. “I’ve been hassling Hunter for at least a year to hire a woman, so I’m pleasantly surprised that he’s finally listened to me.”

“Even though I have no experience?” That he knew of.

“I’m sure you’d fit in fine.”

She shook her head, looking down at the plate of food in front of her. She wasn’t so sure. They were a team and Cady didn’t do teamwork anymore.

Gray pulled out his wallet. “Here is my card. If you change your mind about the job, call me. Sometimes you have to take a chance, even when you’re scared.”

Cady opened her mouth to protest, but he was already on his feet and throwing some money on the table. He turned and walked out the door.

She glanced at the card then the cash he’d left. He’d left more than enough for both their meals and a tip.


But she picked up the card anyway.

Chapter Two

“Enter,” Hunter called out. He sat back in his chair, his shoes up on the desk, hands behind his head. He glared up at the television screen.

Gray stepped into his office, glanced up at the T.V. before sitting in a chair across from Hunter’s desk. Hunter reached for the remote and switched it off.

“So what do you think?” Gray asked.

“Never thought he’d kill himself,” Hunter replied. “His ego was too big. I’d have bet anything that he thought nothing could ever touch him, could ever push him off that pedestal he’d put himself on.”

“Well, he was faced with some huge issues. With Jacey’s testimony he would have gone away from a long time. That might have made him decide to take his own life.”

Hunter shook his head, it just didn’t feel right.

Jacey had decided to go to the police before heading to Rarotonga. She hadn’t wanted to live in fear any longer. Sure, Jacey’s testimony would be pretty damning, but Stephan Worthington had an ego the size of Texas. He thought himself above the law.

“So, it’s over now. Sanders and Worthington are dead.”

Hunter glared at him. “It’s not over until I figure out exactly what happened to Angie.”

“I had a feeling you were going to say that.” Gray ran his hand over his head.

“And would you be willing to just give up if it was your sister that had been murdered?” Hunter asked.

“No, I wouldn’t. You know I wouldn’t. You’re right. It’s not over.”

Hunter nodded. He was slightly obsessed with his sister’s death, but he knew that Angie had been murdered by Stephan Worthington, he just didn’t have proof. Yet.

“If her place hadn’t been set on fire I might have been able to find something there, something that would pin her murder on him.”

The night she’d been murdered, her small apartment had been set on fire, destroying it and the other three apartments in the building. She’d just quit her job with Worthington and moved back to Dallas six weeks before.

Guilt ate at Hunter. She’d called him the night she’d died and he’d ignored the call, letting it go to voicemail. He couldn’t forgive himself for that. If he’d just answered the phone maybe he could have saved her.

“Jacey and Derrick are due back from Rarotonga soon, aren’t they?” Gray asked.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic