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“Who interviewed your informant?”

“The manager. He goes by the name of Cris Laurenson. So far, we’ve come up with no background information on him.”

Hunter nodded at Connor who was busy taking notes. “We’ll do some looking. Obviously a fake name. Got a description?”

“We sat both our informant and the Serbian girl who escaped down with a sketch artist. This is what the guy looks like.” The man looked to be in his early forties, dark and handsome.

“He runs the whole thing?”

Stanson shook his head. “He’s the face of the operation. The girl believes there is someone else calling the shots, someone that this Laurenson answered to.”

“Either of them have any idea who else is behind this?”

Stanson shook his head.

“There are a number of guards inside the building. Probably there to keep the women in as much as to keep others out. There’s a state of the art security system, cameras everywhere, this place is tightly guarded.”

“Maybe.” Hunter sat back in his seat. “This is what we excel at, Stanson.”

He nodded. “That’s why I got permission from my Captain to bring you in on this. We’ve got a man who’s been granted a second interview. He goes in two nights from now. First interview was by Skype.”

“Your informant is acting as his sponsor?”

Stanson nodded.

“Risky. What if he double crosses us?”

“He won’t,” Stanson said. “Believe me. We need you guys to check out the security, see if there are any weaknesses. We’re sending our guy in without back-up and we need a way to get to him if possible.”

“Won’t they find out he’s a cop?” Cady asked.

“He’s not a cop.”

“Jesus, you’re using a civilian?” Hunter said.

“Ex-Special Forces and he volunteered. So, you in?”

“Hell yeah, we’re in.” Hunter nodded at Connor who turned his laptop around. “This is what we know about the security.”

They spent the next thirty minutes going over everything. Finally, Stanson stood.

“Thanks, this helps a lot. You’ll be there?”

“Yeah, Gray, Connor and I will be,” Hunter said. Cady sent him a look. Uh-uh, no way she was going to be involved. Surveillance was one thing, but if things went to shit then they’d need to go in quickly and he didn’t want her anywhere close.

Gray and Connor saw Stanson out.

Cady turned to Hunter. “I want to be there.”



“It’s not negotiable, Cady. I can’t have you there. This could go south quickly.”

“It’s just surveillance.”

“No. We’re there to bypass security and get in fast if we need to. I can’t have you there. I’ll be too concerned about you to concentrate.”

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