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Hunter guided his cock back to her mouth and she took him eagerly, hollowing her cheeks as she sucked on him. He drove himself back and forth, never pushing her to the point of gagging or discomfort.

Reaching up, he grabbed hold of the headboard, thrusting his hips back and forth. She watched his face as an orgasm hit him. He stopped moving, his whole body giving a giant shudder as he exhaled.

Cady drank him down, delighting in his total abandon.

Eventually he slipped free and moved to her side, lying beside her. He cupped one breast possessively as he nuzzled her cheek.

“You’re so sexy, beautiful girl.” The hand on her breast squeezed and she jolted, her breath quickening. “I don’t think I’ve ever touched anything as soft as your skin.”

Hunter flicked his tongue over her other nipple. “Or tasted anything so sweet.” Moving his hand down, he cupped her mound. “Felt something so hot and yet,” he swirled his fingers in her moist lips, “so wet.”

He brought his glistening fingers up to his mouth and sucked on them. “Hmm, delicious.”

Her whole body lit up, her nipples becoming hard, distended nubs, her mouth growing dry even as her pussy grew wetter. Hunter sat up and reached down, holding up the vibrator.

“So, how does this compare to your vibrator, babe?”

She narrowed her gaze at him suspiciously. “I didn’t tell you about it.”

“Yes, you did.”

Why was he lying? She’d remember this conversation…suddenly that vague recollection she’d had about someone talking about vibrators while she was high on painkillers came back to her.

“I said something while I was on painkillers, didn’t I? Oh hell, put me out of my misery, what did I say?”

His gaze was filled with heat. “Only that the vibrator you bought didn’t measure up to me. You can’t replace me with a vibrator, Cady, it just won’t work. You’re doomed for disappointment.”

“Christ, if your ego gets any bigger you won’t get through the door.”

He slapped her inner thigh. “Don’t get smart, brat.” The buzzing sound of the vibrator filled the room. It was a rabbit and similar to hers. He held the tickler against her clit. “I can let you come or I can tease you to the point of release over and over.”

She groaned. “No, please, I want to come.”

He slid the shaft of the vibrator between her pussy lips, pushing it slowly inside her as the vibrating tips teased her clit. It wouldn’t take her long to come. The vibrator was switched off just as she knew she was close.

“Nooo, you bastard, don’t tease me.”

“A bastard, hmm? That’s not very nice, beautiful girl. I was going to let you come when you were ready, now you’ll have to wait for permission.”

He turned on the vibrator, working her into a state, until all she was capable of was begging before turning it off.

She panted, catching her breath as she opened her eyes to glare up at him.

“I take it back.”


“Yeah, you’re not a bastard. You’re a sadistic asshole.”

He shook his head, clicking his tongue before switching the vibrator on again. By the time he said the magical words, giving her permission to let go she was lost in a sea of tortured pleasure, incapable of speech, her whole being focused on only one thing.


Orgasm washed over her. Sharp and intense. She sobbed as he continued to hold the vibrator inside her and she came again, this time it was slower, longer.

“And again. Come again, beautiful girl.”

She shook her head. “No more.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic