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“I hope so. You’re quite a bit bigger than he was.”

He squeezed her ass with both hands. Her clit immediately throbbed in response.

“You like having your ass played with,” he said in a low voice.

Heat filled her cheeks, but there was no denying it. He lowered his hand to her pussy. As he continued to mold one buttock with his other hand, he thrust a finger deep inside her. Driving it back and forth.

Cady gasped.

“I love how responsive you are.” He drew his finger away from her pussy and grabbing both butt cheeks, one in each hand, he pulled them slowly apart. She clenched, not sure how she felt about him staring at her there.

“Stay relaxed,” he growled.

“Easy for you to say. I’d like to see how relaxed you’d be if I was about to stick something up your ass.”

“I’ve had a butt plug in my ass before,” he replied calmly.

She turned to look at him in surprise.

“You have?”

“Yes, I’d never ask my sub to do something I hadn’t done first. Now turn back around. Next time you move without permission I’m going to turn this ass a pretty shade of pink.”

Cady whipped her head back around.

He ran a finger down the slit of her ass, pressing briefly against her asshole. There was a squirting noise then his finger returned to her asshole, swirling lube around it. Arousal bubbled in her stomach, making her legs quiver as she buried her head in the mattress.

“Relax and push out,” he ordered.

Relax? Was he crazy? But she obediently pushed out and he slid his finger inside her. It was slightly embarrassing and weird, but also incredibly hot.

He thrust his finger in and out of her ass as he played with her clit with his free hand. She moaned, wiggling her ass, trying to demand more.


His hand landed on her ass.

“What was that for?” she asked, turning her head to glare at him.

“For wriggling and this,” he smacked her four more times, while keeping his finger buried deep in her ass, “is for turning around when I told you not to.”

She turned back with a groan just as he landed five more smacks.

“Those were just because I felt like it.” He rubbed her ass, easing the sting, and sending her pleasure soaring.

Cady whimpered, desperately trying not to move even as she longed to pump her hips, to beg him for more.

He slid another finger inside her, slowly driving them back and forth as he spanked her ass lightly then rubbed away the sting. It wasn’t long until she was groaning with need, her legs shaking so badly she really didn’t know how she was still standing.

By now her ass was warm and throbbing, her pussy drenched in her own juices, she needed to come so bad that she was tempted to reach down and touch herself, only she knew that she’d end up in deep trouble.

Hunter drew his fingers free. Cady made a noise of protest, but he simply patted her ass.

“Shh, baby.”

There was the sound of more squirting and she had to fight not to turn her head and watch what he was doing.

Then he pulled her ass cheeks apart and the butt plug was pressed against her asshole. “Bear down, babe. This will feel a bit uncomfortable in the beginning but I want you to try and stay relaxed.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic