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He grinned, the darkness in his face lifting. “You told me.” His voice grew stern. “Now, answer the question, did you bring your vibrator?”

“N-no,” she stuttered.

“All right, luckily I made a stop at the store. Stay there.”

She watched him leave, aware that she was still staring.

When the hell had she told him about her vibrator?


Hunter stepped back into the living room once he’d gotten everything prepared. He’d stripped off his t-shirt, but left his jeans on. It would be too tempting to just lay her back and fuck her if he was naked.

Plus, he knew it would make her feel even more submissive to be naked while he was still half-dressed. He needed her to submit to him, to surrender.

He stalked toward her. She was just as he’d left her and satisfaction filled him.

She was his. All his.

“Good girl,” he told her, watching her eyes light up. She needed reassurance, particularly with things so new between them. He needed to build up her confidence and trust in herself, in him. He knew it hadn’t been easy for her to wait, wondering what he was doing and he wanted to let her know how pleased he was that she’d obeyed him.

He was under no illusion it would always be this easy.

Reaching down, he cupped her breast, rubbing his thumb across her nipple. He moved to her other breast, playing with her nipple as he tipped her chin up with his free hand so he could stare down in her eyes. “Thank you for doing this, for trusting me.”

“I think I’m going to enjoy it just as much as you.”

“Oh, you can bet on it. I’ll make sure of that,” he promised her.

He took half a step back and held out his hands. She placed her slight hands in his. They were cold.

“You should have said you were cold,” he scolded. With a frown, he moved over to the thermostat and raised the temperature.

“I’m fine,” she protested. He sent her a look that had her rolling her eyes



He made sure no hint of amusement showed on his face as he strode back to her. Her gaze widened as she watched him. Good. A little trepidation wasn’t a bad thing.

“Besides, you said I couldn’t talk unless you asked me a question.”

“If you need to ask a question or tell me that you’re uncomfortable then you can ask for permission to speak first.”

Her jaw dropped and this time he had to turn away so he could smile. Damn, no matter how intense or dark his mood she seemed to have the ability to make him smile.

“Permission, my ass,” she muttered.

“What was that?” he growled, putting plenty of Dom into his voice. She watched him warily.

“Nothing, Sir.”

“I didn’t think so.” He didn’t mention that she’d called him Sir, although his cock had certainly stood at attention.

“If you need my immediate attention then you say red, understand?” He wanted to be certain she wouldn’t hesitate to use her safe word.

“Yes, I understand.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic