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Hunter narrowed his gaze, but surprisingly just nodded and walked to the door.

Pain stabbed her insides, she was positive he’d protest, that he’d drag her off to bed and tell her there was no way she was sleeping alone tonight. She followed, holding the door open. He kissed her forehead.

“Lock the door behind me,” he ordered before stepping into the hallway.

Cady shut and locked the door before turning and sliding her back down the door until she sat on the floor. She brought her legs up to her chest and rested her forehead on her knees. Tears dripped down her face.

She should have known better. She should have never have opened up and let him in.

“Bastard…you bastard,” she whispered, fighting back tears.


“What the hell have you done to Cady?” Gray asked as he stormed into Hunter’s office.

Hunter looked up from his computer screen. “What are you talking about?”

Gray threw his hands into the air. “You can be a real ignorant asshole, sometimes. Why the hell did you get into a relationship with her if you were just going to cut her off like this? Couldn’t you have done it to someone who we don’t have to work with!”

“Cut her off, what do you mean?”

“Hunter, you’re here all the time, studying those photos. You snap and snarl at everyone and you’re completely ignoring Cady.”

“I’m not ignoring her. Cady understands that I need some space right now. I’m trying to figure out what all these photos mean.”

“Really? She understands? So you told her?”

“No,” Hunter said impatiently. “I explained this to you. This could be dangerous and I want to keep Cady far away from this.”

“You’re letting your guilt over what happened to Angie cloud your actions, Hunter, and if you don’t wake up soon you’re going to lose that girl.”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Don’t I? Have you even looked at Cady lately? She’s lost weight that she couldn’t afford to lose, there are huge bags under her eyes and she’s basically shut herself off from everyone. Fix this, Hunter. Pull your head out of your ass and tell her what’s going on.”

Hunter rubbed his hand over his face. “I can’t.”

“God, you’re a selfish bastard.”

Hunter looked up in shock. “I’m trying to keep her safe.”

“You’re doing what is best for you. But you’re not looking at it from her point of view. That girl has lost everyone in her life. They either rejected her or died, her foster families, her aunt, her partner. How do you think that someone who has had everyone leave them would take you pulling back like this? Without an explanation? I’d bet she sees it as you rejecting her.”

“I haven’t rejected her.”

“Does she know that?”

Gray left, shutting the door firmly behind him and Hunter sat back with a groan. Christ, was Gray right? Did she really think he’d rejected her? It had been a week since he’d discovered the thumb drive and he still had no clue what the hell was going on. Connor was still trying to find out where that building was. Hunter had started driving around the city, trying to find it. Pointless, he knew, but he felt like he had to do something, he felt like he was going insane.

He knew he’d shut himself off, but he truly thought Cady had understood after their conversation last weekend. He needed to speak to her, he couldn’t bear the idea that she was upset, that she thought he was rejecting her.

Standing, he strode toward her office, but only Tiny was inside, putting on his jacket.

“Where’s Cady?”

“She’s already left,” Tiny said coldly.

“Okay, I’ll catch her at home.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic