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“No, that’s not what I meant. And you used to live on the streets. You don’t any longer.”

“Did a mental hospital test too many drugs on you today?” she said. “Just where do I live now?”

“You’re going to live in a fucking apartment, with four walls around you and a roof over your head. I’m not going to let you go from my arms back out onto the streets. I’m not going to spend my nights worrying if you’re cold or hungry or worse. You’re going to take the job, Cady and you’re going to allow me to take care of you.”

Okay, so there was a part of her that kind of melted at his words. But that part was buried deep. Because there was no way in hell she would just let him take over her life.

“Put me down.”

“I want your promise. Promise me that you

’re coming back to Dallas with me.” His erection pressed against her and she licked her lips, nearly giving in to her need. But they didn’t know each other so he couldn’t actually care about her. He wanted to fuck her and once he’d had his fill, he would kick her to the curb.

Well, she was no whore. That was the one line she hadn’t crossed. That and murder. Although she was quickly rethinking that stance.

Reaching into the front pocket of her hoodie, she wrapped her hand around the small cylinder inside.

“I’m not going anywhere with you, Hunter. I’m no charity case and I am definitely no whore.”

He frowned, a confused look entering his gaze.

She quickly brought the can of pepper spray out. Pressing down on the nozzle, she sprayed his eyes, wincing at his howl as the pepper spray hit him. He stepped back, releasing her, his hands coming to his eyes.

Cady watched him guiltily. Then she realized what she was doing. She didn’t know how long it would take him to recover and she really didn’t want to be here when he did.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered, before flying out of the room. She raced around the corner of the hallway, resisting the urge to turn back and check on him. What if she’d used too much spray? What if she’d permanently hurt him?

She banged into something solid, cursing as she jumped back. Hands reached out, steadying her. She shrugged them off quickly, stepping out of reach.

“Sorry, wasn’t looking where I was going,” she muttered, glancing up.

Gray stared down at her with a glint of amusement in his eyes. “That’s quite all right. Considering how fast you were moving, I’m guessing Hunter’s little chat with you didn’t go well.”

“He’s an asshole.”

“Well, yes, he is. But he’s also loyal, smart and a good person to have at your back.”

“So is a border collie.”

His chuckle surprised her.

“Well, yes, and no doubt the collie has better manners.”

She gave him a small smile. “Excuse me, I’ve got to go.”

She moved at a fast clip down the hallway. Unfortunately, Gray fell into step beside her.

“Cady, I know Hunter can come across as demanding and arrogant, but he means well.”

She snorted. “He thinks he needs to rescue me. I’m no helpless damsel in distress.”

“Oh, I doubt anyone would mistake you for being helpless. Just what did he say?”

“He offered me a job.”

Gray raised his eyebrows. “Is that so?”

“Yeah, in his bed.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic